Gets, grail, and auction!

Dec 14, 2014 13:30

Hello everyone!

It's been forever since I've last shown you my gets and... my oh my do I have stuff to show, even a grail! 8D I'm especially excited for it, but as they say, better leave the best for the last ;P

Now beware, what's under the cut is quite image heavy!

Let's begin with all these lovely Kids (and MegaAbsol strap)! Since I've joined the community my Dark/Ghost Kids collection has been growing at huge leaps, so huge I need to think of a way to display them since my desk is already way too cluttered (only the area in front of my keyboard is invasion free 8'D ). There are also some Kids that don't fit in the typing, but that's just because I like them and I found them at a reasonable price x3

Keeping with the topic of figures... my Wailmer Zukan (the star of the show) and a couple Zukans I snatched (Pachirisu <3 ) from the GA I co-hosted with Jen. They are so lovely (Pachirisu is so tinyyyy) and are enjoying their stay on my scanner c: Now I remember I'm forgetting my ladylegs Darkrai Zukan, I'm sorry dark lord ;w;

In October I went on a purchasing spree, getting these three lovelies from the same seller on Yahoo Japan (no one wanted them and they were so cheap, I had to get them). Samurott is missing a sideburn and has a REALLY frowny face it's way too funny, I've been meaning to get Emboar since forever (my BW starter ;w; my darling Belior), and Rotom has been on my list for quite a good time, finding it cheap and being old release (yay squishy lightnings!) was too good to pass.

Following those three I had to get a Kyogre Pokédoll (same release as the Groudon I got from the comm (he joined the photo)) and a Minun Pokédoll (also same year!), next year I'll look into getting a Plusle to go with him x3

Shellos was bought from the comm, Cresselia from Yahoo (her twin sister is waiting to be shipped to a friend of mine), and Pory-Z was a bday gift from said friend <3 Pory-Z has fun hanging out with the pink ladies on my desk (see what I meant about my desk being overpopulated? XD ).

And speaking of birthday gifts... LOOK AT WHAT thedaftlynx MADE FOR ME!! This Mega beauty is the first custom plush I've ever owned and it's just too fluffy and adorable and everyone at the con we went kept asking where I bought it from xD

She made Lucifer (the M!Absol ) following the Pokédoll style and I'm amazed by how well he stands in comparison to Saster (Absol Pokédoll) who needs to rely on the custom not to faceplant XD now Lucifer is also hanging out next to me on my desk uwu

And now, without further ado, a grail I absolutely never imagined I'd own but that I wished for eversince I saw one on the comm

Shiny Absol kid!!!!! 8D!!!!!! She's so beautiful and I can't believe I got one after seeing how expensive these go for ;w; she's proudly watching over me on the shelf that hangs over my desk along with regular Kid and Mega Kid <3
Having my all time favourite Pokémon in shiny colours and in such an adorable pose is a dream come true.

But she didn't come alone, she had some shiny travel buddies I'm putting up for auction.

Seller's info
- Sales permission granted by entirelycliched on the 19th September 2014.
- My feedback can be found here
- I ship from Spain and I ship internationally.
- I have a chinchilla, the fur doesn't get into my room.

- All PKMNCollectors rules apply.
- I will only sell to PKMNCollectors members who are not banned.
- Prices are in USD (fees and shipping not included unless stated otherwise).
- Don't edit your comments, if you need to add something, please, reply to your own comment.
- Please state whether you're asking for a quote (non binding) or if you're committing (binding) to an item. Committed gets priority over quotes!
- Payment must be sent within 24 hours after being given the total (48 hours if you tell me you need to go to the bank) or negative feedback will be left.
- Paypal only, please send payments as "goods" and type your username and what you bought in the memo.
- Currently not open for trades, sorry :c (I need to revisit my wants list).
- Increments of $1.

- I ship as fast as I can, usually 1-2 days after the payment is made.
- Due to the nature of these items they'll be shipped with tracking.
- Please leave feedback after your items arrive, I'll do the same right after the payment! c:
- Shipping for a Kid starts at: $5 within Spain, $7 worldwide

Shiny Skitty Kid: starts at $10, BIN $30 anytime (has some minor paint rubs, click the photos for better detail)

Shiny Dustox Kid: starts at $10, BIN $30 anytime (has some paint rubs and tiny bald spots (and a couple tiny scratches on the side of a wing), click the photos for better detail)

Shiny Seviper Kid: starts at $10, BIN $30 anytime (has some minor paint rubs, click the photos for better detail)

Auction ends Saturday 20th December at 10:00 am Spain time:

seviper, kids, dustox, auctions, skitty

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