Apologies for the back-to-back modposts, but I am sure everyone is in agreement that this needed to happen ASAP! With the all-too-often-mentioned life events that broke up the modding rhythm, we decided to promote several new moderators instead of just the normal 3-4 amount. Our ~grand plan~ is to 1) immediately cut down on all the "routine" moderating issues, and 2) ultimately divide into small groups with specialties to address certain issues. What does that mean? There will be a few people instead of just one specializing in GA issues so when I move thousands of miles multiple times a year, people aren't hung out to dry. There will be small groups specializing in feedback disputes, sales disputes, and those who continue to focus on the routine things like image sizes, LJ cuts, not linking to auctions, etc.
We hope that having a few people on hand for each "specialty" will also make it easier on individual moderators so that ideas/opinions can be bounced off one another to resolve issues quickly. TL;DR: We're shooting to re-obtain a sense of normalcy, but a better normalcy than ever before!
Anyway. In no particular order:
marphoriadoryphish333skdarkdragonareica96okapifeathersnysaurusmoonlightpkmnpupstergirl Please welcome our new staff! As always, please also continue to report issues to the Report a Problem thread, and definitely do not approach new moderators with serious issues right away. Until they get settled, they will be handling the more routine mod duties (mods - expect information in an incoming email from either Gin or me in the next couple of days).
We really appreciate all the applications we got and are regretful that we couldn't choose everyone. We will definitely be maintaining a bigger staff to meet the needs of the community, so future application opportunities will be much more frequent! These choices were based on thorough survey answers, unique approaches to the issues presented, and maintaining a variety of strengths in various modding areas. If you were not selected this time, please know that your dedication is very appreciated and we look forward to future opportunities to work with you!
Comments, questions, etc. are welcome!