Where have I been!? And XY Sales! Tretta/Cards/Movie Merch/ Stickers and More!

Oct 22, 2014 16:34

Hey all!
It's been a while hasn't it? I've been extremely busy with extreme personal emergancies. Most of it pretty heavy stuff that lead me to no internet for almost three weeks! Being out of town didn't help non either. I know many of you were trying to get a hold of me and I'm sorry for the very long wait in responding. I'm now slowly getting to everyone about trades/pms/purchases/ext. Again! I'm sorry! I'm usually on the ball with this site and try to reply quickly. I'm just trying to get back in gear after such a huge blow. So my apologies!

Anyway, now that I'm back home I have some quick sales! Lots of XY items. Please check it out. Follow Hawlucha under the cut. Sorry for the bad quality pictures, I did these at night and in a rush.

*I was granted pkmncollectors sales permission by Lineaalba 2009.
*My community feedback can be viewed HERE.
*I ship from California, USA.
*I accept Paypal, only.
*I live in a smoke-free home with no animals.
*I ship worldwide.
*I do trades for only things located on my WANTS LIST~

Uno Cards:-

$5-Meowstic/mega Absol/Mega Gardevoir/Furfrou/Mega Gengar/Pangoro/Eevee
$4-Honedge/Trunt/Amaura/Delphox/Greninja/Chesnaught/Pancham/Mega Ampharos
$3-Everything else.

Playing Cards:

$5-Goodra/Sliggoo/goomy/ Raichu/Espurr/Meowstic/Pumpkaboo/Chesnaught/Delphox/Greninja
$4-Honedge/Litleo/Pyroar/ Pancham/Xerneas/Yveltal/Tyrunt/Tyranturm/Amaura/Duoblade/Aegislash
$3-Everything Else.

Calandar Sticker Postcards:

$5-Meowstic/Goodra/Delphox/Chesnaught/Greninja/Houndoom/Manectric/Ampharos/Gengar/Charizard X/Charizard Y/Klefki/Aegislash/Gardevoir/Blaziken/Lucario
$3-The rest.

SOLD: Mega Tyranitar

Foam Pieces:


Movie Dice:

Dice 1-Aegislash/Rattata/Wobbufet/Duoblade/Diancie/Mega Garchomp
Dice 2-Gogoat/Mega Mewtwo X/Tyrunt/Pumpkaboo/Froakie/Diancie
Dice 3-Noctowl/Charizard Y/Inkay/Pikachu/Bunnelby/Xerneas
Dice 4-Vivillon/Mega Mewtwo Y/Pyroar Male/Yveltal/Hawlucha/Carbink
Dice 5-Klefki/Fletchinder/Xerneas/Litleo/Mega Blaziken/Spritzee
Dice 6-Zigzagoon/Mega Lucario/Amaura/Aegislash/Chespin/Yveltal
Dice 7-Buizel/Yanmega/Dedenne/Fennekin/Chesnaught/Darkrai/
Dice 8-Flabebe/Ninjask/Mega Venusaur/Mega Blastoise/Delphox/Victini
Dice 9-Noibat/Pyroar Female/Mega Absol/Mega Gardevoir/Greninja/Jirachi
Dice 10-Scatterbug/Meowth/Charizard X/Mega Scizor/Honedge/Manaphy

All Dice Are $8

Battle Wheel Strike Movie Tops (Comes with Top/Spinner and Pokeball)
$8-Each Manaphy/Victini/Jirachi/Pikachu
$10-Each Xerneas/Aegislash/Carbink

Carbink on Hold for tortoises
Aegislash on Hold for hebilea

Choco Eggs:

$8-Xerneas x2
$8-Yveltal x2
$15-Mega Blaziken Sectret Rare

Eeveelution Box Special Tretta Pieces:



$15-Petit Eevee Clearfile set
$15-Petit Lapras Clearfile set


$10-Eevee Chopstick
$8-Pokecen Big Espurr Sticker
$4-Pokecen Big Froakie Sticker

$12-Movie Bag:

$10-Movie Notebook:

$4-Movie Pencils
$8-Movie Drawstring bag
$8-Diancie Notebook
$1-Carbink Tretta

Movie Magazine w/Game pieces-$8
It also features a lot of the movie merch and some sticker sheets.

$5 each.
Chesnaught/Braxian/Delphox sideview/Delphox front view/Dedenne/Carbink

$20-Movie lot:
This lot comes with a pencil board, sticker sheet, two mini clearfiles, one big clearfile, a mini booklet and two stamped phanplets.

Diancie Movie Bromide Cards (They're as big as a postcard and very glittery) $4 each

Furious Fists Card lot:
$12-Assorted Furious Fists Cards (I don't really collect the cards and these came with my Hawlucha box. It's a whole stack!)

*Anything from my Want page
*Hawlucha Items I don't have yet. (Can be anything, flats, movie merch, anything that I don't posess.)
*Sylveon items I don't have yet. Show me anything you may have!!

I have a lot of new items on my site but I'm still posting new items up so keep checking for updates!

More soon.


fletchling, banette, charmeleon, cards, tyranitar, abomasnow, meowstic, garchomp, medicham, chesnaught, mawile, froakie, honedge, zygarde, espeon, greninja, frogadier, houndoom, talonflame, vaporeon, heliolisk, litleo, scizor, fennekin, pikachu, chespin, lapras, tyrantrum, lucario, mewtwo, charizard, delphox, pichu, blaziken, ivysaur, dedenne, yveltal, helioptile, auction, pinsir, pyroar, leafeon, alakazam, furfrou, aerodactyl, snorlax, klefki, ampharos, sales, manectric, flareon, eevee, heracross, wobbuffet, inkay, gengar, kangaskhan, squirtle, meowth, gardevoir, pumpkaboo, goomy, braixen, tyrunt, flabebe, wartortle, wanted, xerneas, raichu, avalugg, blastoise, aegislash, charmander, aggron, bulbasaur, pancham, swirlix, umbreon, gyarados, diancie, absol

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