Hello everyone!
So after some thought and searching I have come up with a new want: A noctowl pokedoll!
Not this one... This one! (credit to
So if anyone has a "down" noctowl for sale, please let me know! :)
So as for the meme, propose the following:
In your opinion, what are the 10 rarest pokedolls (in any order).
You don't have to own them, but if you do, post some pics!
This includes pokedolls only, no plushplush, and no variants like DX or mini etc.
Here is my list:
Clefairy Meowth Tufty-Pichu Spheal Houndour Smoochum Shadow-Lugia Shiny-Suicune Raikou and Entei
Who would you pick?