Hello all ~ I'm coming with small sales and an auction again! :3 I have a cute oddish tomy fuzzy plush up for auction and new card sales!
I have sort my cards by the pokemon-type! I have also some very rare cards sorted out from my personal collection! Feel free to take a look :3
>>>>>>>>>EDIT: Auction is over! <<<<<<<<<<
Oddish tomy fuzzy plush auction will start now for 1 week and ends next sunday on midnight 00:00 (middle-european time)
- Sales permission granted by godudette on may 2013
- Shipping is from germany worldwide
- Paypal only
- Minimum purchase please is 5$
- New: Payment is done within 48 hours - if you have payment problems please tell/ask me before you bid
- I ship without insurance. If you want insurance, please tell me. Otherwise I'm not responsible for lost items!
- I ship by priority/airmail - it may take 1-4 weeks for international shipping
- All things comes from a non-smoking and cat-/dogless home
- Haggling is allowed!
Additional auction rules:
- auction starts now for 1 week and ends on next sunday, 1 june at midnight 00:00 (middle-european time)
- please bid in increments of 1$ or more
- no sniping!
All pkmncollectors rules apply.
Shipping fees (worldwide):
- up to 20 flats: 2,00$
- over 20 flats or non-flats: 4,50$
Paypal fees:
- 0,50$ per purchase
Starts @10$!
Sorry that the pics are so mini! >_< Please note that many of my cards are in german!
Minimum purchase please 5$!
- bandai cards oddish&gloom: 2.50$ each
- bandai card raichu: 5$
- rare sticker card with pikachu&co: 5$
- dedenne holo kid sticker: 1.50$
- bulbasaur pan sticker: 1$
- rare pokedex card clefairy doll: 3$
- tcg lot pidgey,pidgeotto: 2$ for the lot
cute togepi&togekiss: 1$ together
Bug-type pokemon lot 7$
Holos: Paras,Parasect,Weedle,butterfree topps&spinarak+tannza boomer
parasect has a bend!
Fire-type pokemon lot 5$
Holos: Rapidash topps,1 arcanine boomer, bootie cyndaquil/typhlosion card
Poison-type pokemon lot 5$
Holos: 1x gligor, 1x zubat
Ghost-type lot: 3$ no holos
Human lot 3$
Holos:1x misty,james,brock,1xcardlist
Bird pokemon lot 3$
Holos: 1xdodou
Normal pokemon lot 5$
Holos: 1xratticate,kangaskan toppsx1boomer,wigglytuff,togepy,damhirplex
Water starter lot 4$
Holos: squirtle,blastoise&totodile boomers
Water-type lot 6$
Holos: topps seel,1xtentacruel,1xpoliwag boomer,psyduck&marill boomer
Plant-type lot 7$
Please note: vileplume 3Dcard and weepinbell boomer are not mint! (bends)
Holos: Chikorita&belossom boomer,weepinbell topps,eggse..topps
Psycho-type lot 4$
Holos: 1x wobuffet, 1x girafarig boomer
hypno boomer has a bend!
Rock,ground&fight lot 5$
Holos: rasaff,machope,machomp,1xgraveler topps
marowak boomer has a bend!
electro lot 5$
No holos
ehm..fossil lot xD 1$
No holos, lapras has scratches
Cute gen.2 pokemon lot 2.50$
Holos: quagsire
Thanks all for looking/bidding/buying and have a nice weekend!!
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