Lots of lot and plush offers! Also Pokedoll Party GB update (payment2) and Growly Payment2 reminder

May 06, 2014 20:37

I still have a ton of stuff I want gone! So I have stuck nearly every figure from my sales into cheap lots and put up bunches of plush for offers. Click the picture to go to my offers page. I'm doing offers as opposed to auction because: sniping...

Ok so I noticed (after the post office closed of course) a strange discrepancy with our Pokedoll Party GB package. It arrived at my post office and then went to a few towns over(!) and then came back to my post office, yet has not been "delivered" to my PO box. -____- So tomorrow I am going to march up to the counter and ask what the hey they are doing with the package. It's close though. So close.. yet so far?

The bad news is that even if i get the package tomorrow I am leaving to go visit a friend at college tomorrow afternoon and won't be able to get shipping prices up or pack items until Saturday at the earliest. =/ I was hoping the package would be there so I could try to get payments and ship before I left. Womp.

Payment 2 for Pokedoll Party Group Buy concerning the following:
daughterjudy - Jolteon (2007, New York): $2.69
shiny_zekrom - Flareon (2007, New York), Eevee (2007, New York), and items from Growly GA:
*** Your items have to be shipped in a box as I do not have any bubble mailers big enough. Standard will be: $10.60 or priority would be: $12.55 please indicate your choice in the note.
moonlightpkmn - Espeon (2007, New York): $2.69
dragonrider49 - Ho-Oh (2005, New York): $10.12
heyleighpaws - Weavile (2005, Japan), Lapras (2007, New York), Celebi (2007, New York), and items from Growly GA: $4.17
allrealelements - Latios (2005, Japan), Latias (2005, Japan): $3.24
prawnographer - Eevee cinch bag (and oddish strap from growly GA): $10.12

Please send to desiree(@)47alpha(.)com and use this template:
Subject: Group Buy
Note: USERNAME - Pokedoll Party GB - Payment 2
if your previous payment had the incorrect shipping address please choose the correct address for this payment OR type the correct address into the note. Thankies!

These prices are for your pokedoll shipped with tag protected in a bubble mailer via First Class (domestic and international) domestic will have tracking. If you want a box or priority you'll have to let me know and wait for an updated total.

And this leads me to the remaining people who participated in the Growly GA who need to make their payment 2:
loveespeon - $6.76
lucario - $24.06
pkmnexcavation - $2.73 PAID
rypeltajaroll - $7.02

Payment 2 post is here

If you make your payments by 7am EST 5-7 I will be able to ship your item before I leave. Otherwise, your item will not be shipped until Saturday the earliest but maybe as late as Monday.
All paid peoples items are shipped!

That's it for updates folks!

group auction, group buy, offers

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