Give me all your gatrs, all your hugs and kisses too!~

Feb 25, 2014 21:17

iiiittt's that time again.

I don't have any pictures right now of things I need, because a bunch of them were from ebay listings I missed, and my computer got stolen a few months ago so I don't have the pictures anymore ^^;
BUT. I can tell you that I just want Feraligatr merch you might have. Just show me what you got, and I'll take a look.

Some things I need off the top of my head are (I know it sounds ridiculous but..) Feraligatr boxer shorts,

there's a shirt that features feraligatr, elekid and one other pokemon that says water type, etc..

A wallet that features feraligatr, scizor and lugia... if you have seen any of those things, let me know.

Otherwise just show me your gatrs!! (I am also interested in people's feraligatr collections, feel free to share those with me too!)

And, as always, still looking for these glorious Feraligatr slippers:

and just cause, here are the other pokemon I also collect:

So if you have anything of any of these pokemon, please let me know!

Thanks for looking :]

tangrowth, wanted, feraligatr, cacnea, camerupt

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