Sales and offers

Jan 18, 2014 22:57

Another six months has passed since my last post. But then again, I've not had much to tell about my own collecting. I've not bought much since I completed my Shiny Kids collection, but hopefully it'll change soon! I'll most likely make a gets post next month, when I'll finally get one of my grails. Or three grails, actually. I'm so hyped for getting them and can't wait to finally hold them in my hands <3. And I hope it'll awaken the collector in me again. At least it'll bring me that much closer to completing another part of my collection.

After not being able to sell anything since last summer, I've finally updated my post and can re-open my permanent sales. I've got VS cards, metal and Rumble figures, phone straps, charms, Shiny Wartortle and Blastoise Kids and Raikou Battrio... and a lot of other small things.

Follow the teaser pick or this link to the orders post.

Also, since I have no idea if there are people who want this item, I'm taking offers for it.
It's a very small and cute children's book.

Featured are Wingull, Latias, Latios, Poliwhirl, Jigglypuff, Plusle, Minun, Zigzagoon, Wailord, Mantine, Remoraid, Octillery
12 pages

Sales permission granted by rachelled on 3/9/2012 and my feedback can be found here
Offers start from 3$ and continue until there's ~24 hours from the last one. No reminders, since this is hardly a valuable item and not even mint. But there's many Pokemon there and I want to give anyone who's interested a chance. ^^ (I know I would love to find something like this featuring Yanma...)

sales, offers

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