Early Christmas Sales and Trade Post

Dec 09, 2013 16:27

Sales Permission granted on January 9, 2013 by entirelycliched
Feedback http://feedback.pkmncollectors.net/feedback/view/pikaball27/
Items will be shipped within 2 business days

Wants (mostly looking to trade for anything in trades or sales):- Alakazam banpresto
- Bidoof pokedoll
- Jigglypuff pokedoll
- Cleffa pokedoll
- Natu pokedoll
- Houndour pokedoll
- Magikarp pokedoll
- Poochyena banpresto
- Luxray banpresto
- Noctowl pokedoll
- Butterfree pokedoll
- Corphish pokedoll
- Marill pokedoll
- any pokedolls I don't already have in my collection ( http://pkmncollectors.livejournal.com/16155062.html )
Items for trade:

Click any of the following photos to be redirected to my permanent sales post! http://pikaball27.livejournal.com/639.html

bisharp, fletchling, cherrim, mantyke, riolu, cobalion, tympole, skitty, cyndaquil, throh, terrakion, torchic, banpresto, mew, emolga, oddish, shaymin, musharna, treecko, tentacool, celebi, zubat, froakie, drilbur, jigglypuff, espeon, buizel, sentret, mudkip, foongus, pachirisu, vaporeon, giratina, entei, rayquaza, latios, raikou, jolteon, piplup, fennekin, arceus, pikachu, bellossom, chespin, totodile, tomy, lapras, glaceon, chatot, sandile, lucario, pokecen, bonsly, shinx, pichu, chikorita, auction, magmortar, kyogre, corsola, igglybuff, pokedoll, phanpy, teddiursa, palkia, leafeon, snivy, sudowoodo, elekid, jirachi, snorlax, munchlax, chimchar, duskull, dialga, suicune, minun, meloetta, sales, tepig, flareon, eevee, wobbuffet, dewott, jakks, zoroark, mime jr., plusle, squirtle, meowth, skymin, turtwig, flabebe, scraggy, lugia, ducklett, blastoise, charmander, bulbasaur, audino, plush, latias, lickilicky, cottonee, umbreon, gyarados, servine, pokedolls, manaphy

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