Zukan offers

Sep 25, 2013 20:52

I'm terrible at pricing zukans and it's taking me a while to put them up on my webstore. :( I have a few that I know some were interested in so I'm putting them up for offer.

  • Sales permission granted in March 2009.
  • Feedback page here.
  • I ship from Canada so shipping is pricey. Any packages that are over 2 cm in height have a minimum $8 shipping.
  • I can combine shipping with stuff on my webstore. If you have previously ordered and has not been shipped out yet, that may be possible as well.
  • Some zukans have been opened but were never displayed. They have a few minor scratches on their bases from rubbing within the packaging.
  • Feel free to offer below my asking price, but I may refuse them.

  • Arbok line: Opened by previous seller.
    Offers start at $40

    Blaziken line: Previously MIP until I opened it.
    Offers start at $70

    Shiftry line: Opened by previous seller. Right arm is broken but can be glued back.
    Offers start at $10

    Gastly + Haunter: MIP
    Offers start at $30

    Haunter + Gengar: previously MIP until I opened it.
    Offers start at $30

    In case you were wondering, I will have the following zukans on my webstore:
    - Arceus
    - Bronzor, Bronzong
    - Celebi
    - Cranidos, Rampardos
    - Diglet, Dugtrio
    - Deoxys
    - Duskull, Dusclops, Dusknoir
    - Elekid, Electabuzz
    - Entei
    - Gulpin, Swalot
    - Heatran
    - Illumise, Volbeat
    - Krabby, Kingler
    - Likitung, Tangela
    - Magby, Magmar
    - Magnemite, Mageton
    - Makuhita, Hariyama
    - Mamoswine
    - Mantyke, Mantine
    - Misdreavus, Mismagius
    - Pichu (notched-ear), Pikachu, Piplup x2
    - Shelder, Cloyster
    - Surskit, Masquerain
    - Swinub, Piloswine, Delibird x2
    - Tangela, Tangrowth
    - Totodile, Croconaw, Feraligatr x2
    - Unown A-G
    - Venonat, Venomoth
    - Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill

    NEW 2013-11-08
    - Lucario, Ash (Movie ver.)
    - Meowth, Persian
    - Phanpy, Donphan
    - Spoink, Gumpig
    - Torkoal, Pikachu

    If you have any offers for the above, it would be a great help! I think it would be much easier selling them here. I can provide pictures upon request. Most are MIP.

    mantyke, unown, torchic, mantine, bronzong, celebi, kakuna, combusken, beedrill, misdreavus, hariyama, delibird, entei, piplup, magmar, arceus, pikachu, croconaw, totodile, deoxys, shiftry, weedle, mamoswine, cranidos, feraligatr, bronzor, krabby, pichu, blaziken, electabuzz, haunter, tangela, offers, tangrowth, swinub, elekid, illumise, gulpin, magnemite, cloyster, heatran, duskull, gastly, sales, zukan, mismagius, dusknoir, dusclops, volbeat, venonat, ekans, gengar, venomoth, kingler, dugtrio, piloswine, nuzleaf, arbok, makuhita, seedot, masquerain, surskit, swalot, magby

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