Zukan sales :D

Aug 28, 2013 22:33

- sales permission granted on 26 JAN 2012 by entirelycliched

- my feedback is here: http://feedback.pkmncollectors.net/feedback/view/white_chocobo/

- Items come from a pet-free and smoke-free home J

- Prices don't include shipping cost or paypal fees, i don't charge for shipping materials or handling.

- I accept trades, here are my wants: http://white-chocobo.livejournal.com/559.html

Shipping Info

I ship from Peru. Shipping cost for one zukan line starts at $3.5 to america, $4.5 to europe and $5.5 for rest of the world. Optional but recommended, tracking number is available for $3. I do my best to insure the safety of each figure ,so I use bubble wrap and inside an envelope to make it super safe, this takes time but I enjoy doing it and its for free :)

I'm not responsable for items lost in transit, if the package had tracking number i will set a complain to the postal service to find out what happend and they will only refund 3 times tops, the shipping cost, so thats what i can refund, in case the tracking number was not purchase by the buyer, i can't do a partial refund, i can always show the recipient as prove of shipping.


- I accept Paypal and also western union.

- First person that commits to buy, got it.

If you have a question, please feel free to ask.
Btw, some pics are from internet, but all lines are in excellent condition, so don't worry about quality :) if i used one if your pictures, its because they look great :) but if you want me to take them down, let me know. thank you


  • Quagsire line MIP with farfetch'd $24

  • Electrode line + plusle&minum MIP $39

  • Starmie line mip with corsola $38

  • Clefairy $29, Gardevoir line MIP $45

  • Omastar line  MIP $30

  • Cloyster line MIP $30

  • Octillery line MIP $19

  • Vileplume line MIP $49

  • Noctowl line $22, Altaria line (mip) $29, Ledyba spinarak line set $30, Kangaskhan $20 each, Seal line $30, team rocket $45, deoxis $7, weavile mime jr bonsly $12

  • Linoone line $29, Magcargo line $25, Wobbuffet line $25, Wingull line $25, Magikarp $15, Tentacruel $25

  • Slaking line $49, Lotad line $29, Swallot line $29, Nincada line $20, Snorunt line $17, Geodude line $35

Can combine with my sales post: http://pkmncollectors.livejournal.com/14778564.html
its not super updated but you can ask :)

Next post, will be a get post :)
Thank you!!

corsola, dewgong, clefairy, omanyte, oddish, noctowl, slaking, slugma, tentacruel, graveler, tentacool, gulpin, cloyster, slakoth, omastar, zukan, sales, geodude, wooper, starmie, remoraid, spinarak, quagsire, seel, magikarp, plusle, hoothoot, kangaskhan, gardevoir, cleffa, vileplume, bellossom, altaria, pelipper, electrode, ledyba, nincada, deoxys, farfetch'd, magcargo, bonsly, clefable, lotad, swalot, vigoroth, octillery, golem, ninjask, gloom, shedinja

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