Reintroduction (again!) and username change!

Jun 22, 2013 16:42

Hey everyone! It's been a while since I last posted, though I've been lurking the comm a lot and sometimes I comment on posts or buy stuff, haha. Guess who this is? ;D Because I'm that mean, I'll keep you guys waiting for the answer until this post is over. |D

In the meantime, I have a little collection update/reintroduction of sorts. Please follow the cut for photos and all~

Let's play a little game, yes? I'll give you guys tips on who I am as this post progresses, and you try to guess before I give out the answer in the end! Don't worry, it shouldn't be too hard unless you're a new-ish member~ (Come on guys, humour me xD)

This is my full collection, or at least most of it. I ran out of room so a lot of stuff is stored at my parents' home and such. :'D But this is most of my collection.

Oh, and my name is Amanda.

My main collection is Caterpie, which makes this username awfully fitting! Here, have some more photos of my caterpies.

Caterpie isn't my only collection though! Here are some of my plushies, though there's a lot hidden in the back or at my parents'.

Oh, I'm an art student by the way. This is my last year of college, and as such I have been dying to stay active pretty much everywhere, and failing. xD

The second shelf is where I keep my dratinis, dragonairs, lapras and torchics. Wanna see them better?

Have I mentioned I happen to be Brazilian? In fact, I was the very first Brazilian member of this community! There's a few more of us nowadays as far as I know, but I'm not 100% sure how many are still active.

This is the bottom shelf, where I keep my 'vees, vulpixes, phanpys, mareeps, doduos, omanytes, sandshrews, joltiks, the ridiculous excuse for a Marina collection I have, and the very first part of my fletchling collection. This shelf is constantly changing as I run out of room and end up storing away minor collections. xDDD Here, take a better look:

There's also a couple of things I don't have the room for in my shelves but I like keeping around, or I keep around because I forgot to find room for them or because I like carrying them around with me. :'D

An example is these two. Torchic and Vulpix egg plushies. o3o Shhhh, they're sleeping inside!

Haven't figured it out yet? Here's the very last tip! The next photo contains a plush I have no room for, a plush I forgot to find room for, and my two buddies that I carry with me everywhere.

The buddies' names? Tapi and Baby Joltik. Tapi specially is my travel buddy and has gone on various adventures which I then shared with the comm, such as the trips to São Paulo, New York and Orlando!

STILL don't know who I am? My my, that's disappointing (unless you're new enough that you didn't have the chance to meet me, then I forgive you). The answer is.... *drumroll*

broken_chan! I got an username change just the other day, when I found out LJ actually purges old and unused accounts. I went to check if caterpie was active or not just out of curiosity, and when I saw it was purged, well, I couldn't resist. eue I've been wanting to change my username for a while now, as broken_chan is an alias I no longer use on most websites. You guys are still welcome to call me Broken if you prefer, or you can move on to calling me by my name, Amanda, or my nicknames, Yuna, Yun, Yuns, what have you. 8D Just don't call me caterpie, haha. I am nowhere near as adorable as one. e3e

Sorry to anyone who saw me comment on posts these past couple of days without knowing who I was! I was waiting for a sunny day to take photos of my collection and make this post, haha. I think I got this username change on... Thursday? Maybe Wednesday?

Anyway, thanks for reading my post and, I imagine, playing the game! Let me know how you did o3o

fletchling, joltik, vaporeon, doduo, torchic, omanyte, phanpy, dragonair, lapras, dratini, vulpix, sandshrew, collection, espeon, caterpie, mareep, eevee

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