May 28, 2013 13:53

So Fanime came and went. It was pretty cool! I got to meet pacificpikachu and ktmonkeyj and I spent a LARGE amount of money. I tweeted out a bunch of pictures and I made a few Vines, mostly of me staring at crowds. I hope everyone who was there had a good time! :D

Anyway, as it turns out I'm not super into the anime, but I am, naturally, super into the Pokemon and OH MY GOD WAS THERE POKEMON.

This was all the Pokemon stuff I acquired. A lot of it is Artist's Alley stuff, as opposed to official merchandise, but OH MAN STICKERS. The buttons and bookmark are from our own ktmonkeyj! She had a capsule machine! :D

The Braviary plush was a gift from a friend. Him and the Rufflet Kid I bought have created a little tiny bit of AMERICAA on my shelf now.

It's not much now, but it's a start. The new Braviary is the one on the left. I don't know what exact plush he is, but he's a bit bigger than the MPC Braviary and he looks much...fiercer? As fierce as a cute plush can be, I mean. XD He's got a cardboard(?) tail, if that rings any bells. The MPC goes back in my car now, I guess, because I like this new one a lot more and I don't want him getting any sun damage.

It was a great show and I'm definitely going back next year. I might even try to get in the Artists Alley!

braviary, dunsparce, rufflet, collection

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