Hi guys! A little dinky wants post today!
I'm primarily looking for a few stickers from an artbox series. Here's a picture of the pack they come in and the style of stickers they are. If you happen to have (and are willing to sell / trade) the ones I'm looking for, please let me know!
(images pulled from google)
The three I really need are Nidoran (male), Magneton, and Ditto.
And depending on the quantity you have, I might also be interested in Caterpie, Weedle, Beedrill, Raticate, Pikachu, Clefairy, Golbat, Poliwag, Abra, Alakazam, Weebinbell, Graveler, Dodrio, Gastly, Weezing, Chansey, Kangaskhan, Staryu, Electabuzz, and Jolteon :)
As for my main collection wants, if you're selling, know where I can buy, or have any information at all, I'd really appreciate if you'd clue me in :3
Note: West = Pink, East = Blue
- West Shellos chou get!
- West Gastrodon clear kid
- East Gastrodon clear kid
- East Shellos clear kid
- Shellos line retsuden stamps
- West Shellos racer
- East Shellos racer
- Manectric kid
- Manectric clear kid
- Manectric zukan (Just Manectric okay, not preferred)
- Dodrio clear kid
- Dodrio zukan (Just Dodrio okay, not preferred)
And if you have any miscellanious Shellos, Gastrodon, Hariyama, Manectric, or Dodrio items that you think I might like, give it a shot :D
Now for you awesome pokemon collectors who peeked under the cut, this absolutely fantastic art is for you! I wish I knew who the artist was, because I would love to see if they've done more pokemon-classical mixes. But if not, I'm glad this is the piece that was chosen because the painting this is based off of is my absolute favorite of all time :D :D :D
Have a wonderful day / evening :D