TCG Opening Sale Image heavy

Apr 27, 2013 11:42

Hello, please feel free to ask questions, or ask for a better picture of the cards. Also I have more cards from the newest playable TCG sets not including Plasmagale. So, if your looking for a Pokemon, ask me and ill probably have more cards that are un-listed.

Use: CTRL+F to find things faster :)

granted sales permission on 3/17/2013 by allinia
- All pkmncollectors Rules apply
-my feedback
- I only except paypal as payment USD only
- You must clearly say you are committed to buy if interested in buying, asking for a quote doesn't count.
-Your total must at least be a $1.00
-I also have about 50 TCGO plasma packs & 30 boundaries crossed available, no shipping fees of course :)
- Please feel free to ask to see better pictures of items listed (Sorry some are blurry!)
- I use recycled shipping materials. I only have recycled materials now for larger card lots 30+. I'd be happy to buy new shipping materials for your package if you want it packaged in something other then a standard envelope but, it will up shipping costs.
- I am not responsible for any loss packages via mail, I always keep shipping receipts as proof.
- I usually ship Friday or Monday, you will be notified when I ship your package.
- I ship to USA and Canada only (sorry!), shipping is more expensive in Canada. This is out of my control.

This post is image heavy. :)

hugh reverse holo $0.30
battle city reverse holo $0.33
cheren $0.23
N (ferris wheel) $3.00
Cheren with tepig $0.40
random receiver $0.58
cilan $0.24
hooligans jim & cas $ 0.23
N $2.50

blane's vulpix $0.30
blane's vulpix 1st.ed $0.40
brock's vulpix $0.30
brock's vulpix (breathing fire)$0.30
moltres movie promo $0.70
magby $0.22

cyndaquil (fire in back)$0.32
cyndaquil $0.30
quilava $0.34
quilava (fire in back)$0.34
typhlosion holo $10.80
promo reverse holo entei $0.50
blane's magmar $0.20
magmar 1st ed $0.40
magmar $0.20

growlithe $0.20
growlithe head over shoulder $0.20
arcanine $0.25
pansear $0.10
darumaka $0.10
reshiram $1.20
litwick $0.10
lampent $0.12

pansear $0.10
heatmor $0.10
larvesta$0.10 (facing left)
larvesta $0.10
simisear $0.10
tepig $0.25
pignite $0.30

slugma $0.20
dark flareon $0.40
blanie's growlithe $0.20
ponyta $0.20
blaine's ponyta $0.20
blaine's ponyta (running) $0.20

pupitar $0.20
lavitar $0.20
brock's sandslash $0.20
blane's rhyhorn $0.20
brock's rhyhorn $0.20
onix $0.20

girafrig $0.20
tyrogue $0.20
brock's mankey $0.20
brocks primeape $0.20

throh $0.10
sandile $0.10
reverse conkledurr $0.50
throh (tie belt) $0.20
timburr $0.10
gurdurr $0.10
mienfoo $0.10
mienshao $0.10
archen $0.10

golet $0.10
golurk $0.10
solrock holo $0.22
rilou $0.12
hippopotas $0.10
hippopodon $0.10
mienfoo $0.10
mienshao $0.10

gligar $0.20
poliwrath $0.80
sudowoodo $0.20
rilou $0.20
rilou $0.20
omanyte $0.20
omastar $0.20
machoke $0.10
machamp $0.10

electabuzz promo $0.70
electabuzz neo $0.20
chinchou $0.20
chinchou (alone) $0.20
lanturn $0.20
raikou $2.70
dark jolteon $0.30
tynamo $0.24

electrode $0.20
lt.surge's electrode $0.30
mareep $0.24
mareep (herd of mareeps) $0.24
flaafy $0.30
elekid $0.22

stunfisk $0.10
electabuzz reverse $0.14
blitzle $0.10
zekrom $1.20
emolga $0.20
emolga (searching) $0.20

blitzle $0.12
joltik $0.10
blitzle (in field)$0.10
pikachu $0.10
raichu $0.12
shinx $0.10
luxio $0.10
shinx (looking up) $0.10
tynamo $0.14

lt.surges magnemite $0.20
magnemite $0.12
lt.surges magnemite (orange background) $0.20
lt.surge's magneton holo $0.50
lt.surge's votorb $0.20
electrode rare $0.60

growlithe $0.27 (minor wear on sides)
ponyta $0.23 (minor wear on sides)
rapidash $0.30 (minor wear on sides)
diglett $2.32 (minor wear on sides)
primeape $0.23 (minor wear on sides)
sandshrew $0.23 (minor wear on sides)
omastar $0.23 (minor wear on sides)
kabuto $0.23 (minor wear on sides)
onix $0.23 (minor wear on sides)

geodude $0.23 (minor wear on sides)
graveler $0.23 (minor wear on sides)
machop $0.21 (minor wear on sides)
rhydon $0.23 (minor wear on sides)
farfetchd $1.32 (minor wear on sides)
eevee $0.27 (minor wear on sides)
meowth $0.23 (minor wear on sides)
persian $0.24 (minor wear on sides)
rattata $0.23 (minor wear on sides)

spearow $0.23 (minor wear on sides)
fearow $0.23 (minor wear on sides)
dodu $0.23 (minor wear on sides)
dodrio $0.23 (minor wear on sides)
pikachu $0.30 (minor wear on sides)
abra $0.23 (minor wear on sides)
kadabra $0.25 (minor wear on sides)
haunter $0.25 (minor wear on sides)

kabuto $0.20
lt.surge's pikachu $0.20
pikachu $0.20
lt.surge's pikachu (attacking) $0.20
dark raichu holo $6.00

scraggy $0.12
liepard $0.10
bisharp $0.13
deino $0.20
zwelious $0.24
pawniard $0.10
sneasel $0.10
weavile $0.20
nuzleaf $0.12

vulaby reverse holo $0.14
scraggy reverse holo $0.25
scrafty reverse holo (jumping) $0.28
scrafty reverse holo $0.30

Lt.surge's rattata $0.12
rockets rattata $0.12
lickitung $0.12
lt.surge's rattata (sitting)$0.12
dark raticate (standing )$0.20
dratini $0.22
lt.surge's raticate $0.20
lt.surge's raticate (laying down) $0.20
dark dragonair $0.30

smeargle holo painting wall $1.00
smeargle holo $1.00
pidove $0.05
cleffa reverse $0.30
cinccino reverse holo $0.50
minccino $0.25
meowth $0.10
persian $0.12

pidgey $0.20
hoothoot $0.25
noctowl $0.30
eevee $0.20
eevee (light brown)$0.20

stanler $0.20
eevee $0.20
pidove $0.05
tranquill $0.10
audino $0.20
minccino $0.10
cinccino $1.00
axew $0.10
fraxure $0.12

sentret $0.20
sentret 1st ed. $0.40
stantler $0.20
dunsparce $0.20
audino $0.10
audino $0.10
clefairy $0.20

tauros $0.20
spearow flying $0.20
spearow $0.20
fearow $0.20
aipom $0.20
meowth $0.20
jigglypuff $0.20
igglybuff $0.20

snubbull 1st ed. $0.40
miltank $0.20
teddiursa $0.20
sabrina's porygon $0.20
dunsparce $0.20

sabrina's abra $0.20
sabrina's abra (in forest) $0.20
sabrina's abra (close up)$0.20
sabrina's kadabra $0.22
sabrina's alakazam holo $4.50
natu $0.20

sabrina's mr.mime $0.20
sabrina's jynk (red in back)$0.20
sabrina's jynk $0.20
smoochum $0.20
jynks $0.15
ralts $0.20

Unown A holo $0.36
Unown C $0.22
Unown N $0.22
Unown S $0.22
Unown E $0.22
Unown I $0.22
Unown M $0.22
Unown Y $0.24

litwick (dark background) $0.10
litwick $0.10
chandulure $0.90
grimier $0.10
gothitelle $0.14
ralts $0.10
kirilia $0.10
darmanitan $0.20

munna (one attack )$0.10
munna $0.10
musharna $0.14
elgyem $0.10
smoochum $0.12

trubbish $0.10
garbodor $0.10
whirlepede reverse holo $0.50
solois $0.10
duosion $0.10
reuniclus $0.10
elgyem $0.10
elgyem $0.10
beheeyem $0.10

gothia reverse holo $0.15
gothorita reverse holo $0.15
swoobat reverse $0.10
woobat $0.10
gothita $0.10
gothita (center)$0.10
yamask (to the left)$0.10
yamask $0.10
cofagrigus $0.20

durant $0.10
ferrothorn $0.10
pawniard (beside bisharp) $0.10
bisharp $0.10
ferroseed $0.05
bronzor $0.10
klink $0.10
magnimite $0.10
pawniard $0.10

natu $0.20
xatu (wings open )$0.24
xatu $0.24
gothita $0.10
gothita $0.10
gothorita (attacking) $0.10
gothorita $0.10
sabrina's drowzee $0.20

sabrina's ghastly $0.20
sabrina's ghastly $0.32 non first edition
sabrina's haunter $0.22
promo movie mewtwo $2.10

totodille 1st. ed $0.40
totodille $0.20
croconaw $0.20
croconaw $0.20
Marill $0.20
Mantine $0.12
Misty's seel $0.20

Vanillite $0.10
Vanillish $0.10
cubchoo $0.10
Beartic $0.15

frillish $0.10
jellicent $0.12
basulin $0.10
staryu $0.10
starmie $0.12
lapras $0.12
panpour $0.10
simipour $0.10

Misty's poliwag (diving) $0.20
misty's poliwag $0.20
poliwag $0.20
misty's poliwhirl $0.20
squirtle $0.20

panpour $0.10
panpour (fruit in back) $0.10
cubchoo $0.10
tympole $0.10
palpitoad $0.10
turtouga $0.10
basculin $0.10
frillish $0.10

magikarp $0.35(minor wear around edges, and back corner)
goldeen $0.23(minor wear around edges, and back corner)
kingler $0.24(minor wear around edges, and back corner)
wartortle $0.24(minor wear around edges, and back corner)
psyduck $0.24 (minor wear around edges, and back corner)
poliwag $0.23(minor wear around edges, and back corner)
poliwhirl $0.24(minor wear around edges, and back corner)
shellder $0.30(minor wear around edges, and back corner)
cloyster $0.30(minor wear around edges, and back corner)

jellicent ability $0.14
cyrogonal $0.10
cryogonal (attacking)$0.10
vanillite $0.10
vanilish $0.10

shellder $0.20
goldeen $0.30
slowpoke $0.15
misty's goldeen $0.20
misty's seaking $0.24

misty's horsea $0.20
misty's seadra $0.22
kingdra holo $0.80
misty's staryu $0.20
staryu $0.20

misty's psyduck $0.20
psyduck (looking in water)$1.20
psyduck rocket $0.20
golduck first edition $1.50
misty's gyrados $6.50
dark golduck (laser) $0.20
quagsire $0.24

misty's starmie $0.22
misty's tentacruel $1.10

bulbasaur $0.28 (minor wear around edges, and back corner)
caterpie $0.23 (minor wear around edges, and back corner)
metapod $0.23 (minor wear around edges, and back corner)
butterfree $0.30 (minor wear around edges, and back corner)
bellsprout $0.22 (minor wear around edges, and back corner)
weepinbell $0.22 (minor wear around edges, and back corner)
nidoran M $0.30 (minor wear around edges, and back corner)
nidoran F $0.30 (minor wear around edges, and back corner)
koffing $0.24 (minor wear around edges, and back corner)

gloom $0.24 (minor wear around edges, and back corner)
ekans $0.23 (minor wear around edges, and back corner)
tangela $0.23 (minor wear around edges, and back corner)
venonat $0.23 (minor wear around edges, and back corner)
paras $0.23 (minor wear around edges, and back corner)
exeggutor $0.28 (minor wear around edges, and back corner)
parasect $0.24 (minor wear around edges, and back corner)


hoppip $0.20
hoppip (hoppips in background) $0.20
skiploom $0.20
jumpluff holo $0.45
zubat $0.20
brock's zubat $0.20
brock's golbat $0.20
koga's golbat $0.20
golbat $0.20

pansage $0.10
simisage $0.10
seedot $0.10
kricketot $0.10
kricketune $0.10
snivy $0.12
brock's golbat $0.20
leavanny $0.15
pinsir $0.12

sewaddle $0.10
amoonguss $0.12
petilil(facing center)$0.12
foongus $0.10
dwebble $0.10
amoonguss ability $0.25
karrablast $0.10

sewaddle $0.10
swadloon $0.12
swadloon (facing center)$0.12
cottonnee $0.10
whimsicott $0.12
petilil $0.10
lilligant $0.12
deerling $0.10

paras (holding mushroom) $0.25
paras $0.25
nidoran male $0.25
nidoran female $0.25
erika's tangela $0.25
nidorina $0.30

sunkern $0.20
shuckle $0.20
erika's exeggutor $0.30
exeggutor island (more exeggutor in the picture)
koga's koffing (close up) $0.25
koga's koffing $0.20
koga's weezing $0.25
venonat $0.25

koga's grimmer $0.20
erika's bellsprout $0.20
spinarak $0.20
spinarak (in spider web)neo discovery $0.25
ariados $0.25
chikorita $0.25
chikorita (sunset behind)neo gen. $0.25
bayleef $0.30
meganium 1st ed. holo $7.00

Erika's Oddish (sunset behind)- 78/132 - $0.25
Erika's Oddish (berries behind oddish)- 47/132 - $0.30
Erika's Oddish (spilled pot)- 70/132 - $0.25
Oddish - 68/111 - $0.25
rocket's gloom 1st edition -uncommon $0.30
erika's gloom - $0.35
pineco neo discovery - $0.30
ledian neo genesis - $0.30

erika's ivysaur $0.30
weedle $0.20
koga's weedle $0.20
kakuna $0.30
koga's kakuna $0.30
koga's beedrill holo $2.00
koga's tangela- $0.25
koga's ekans $0.20
meatpod- $0.25


smeargle holo $0.90
venipede ability reverse holo $0.30
shaymin holo $1.08
bebe's search $0.23
cleffa reverse holo $0.40
copycat league promo $0.23
swanna reverse holo $0.20
prinplup reverse holo $0.22
frillish reverse holo $0.20

magikarp reverse holo $0.30
tympole reverse holo $0.20
staryu reverse holo $0.20
gyrados reverse holo $0.35
wailmer reverse holo $0.25
sealeo reverse holo $0.20
azumarill reverse holo $0.20
golduck reverse holo $0.20

fraxure reverse holo $0.23
cincinno reverse holo $0.22
braviary reverse holo $0.20
slakoth reverse holo $0.20
audino reverse holo $0.20
watchog reverse holo $0.20
togepi reverse holo $0.20
spinda reverse holo $0.23
delibird reverse holo $0.20

meowth reverse holo $0.20
tailow reverse holo $0.20
ratatta reverse holo $0.20
audino reverse holo $0.23
pinsir reverse holo $0.23
pansage reverse holo $0.20

jumpluff reverse holo $0.22
carnivine reverse holo $0.20
crustle reverse holo $0.20
mareep reverse holo $0.24
hoppip reverse holo $0.22
karrablast reverse holo $0.20

raichu with ballons reverse holo $0.25
luxio reverse holo $0.22
voltorb reverse holo $0.20
raichu reverse holo $0.20
electabuzz reverse holo $0.20
plusle reverse holo $0.20
electrike reverse holo $0.20
joltik reverse holo $0.20
pikachu reverse holo $0.25

torkal reverse holo $0.22
simisear reverse holo $0.20
arcanine reverse holo $0.24
arcanine ability reverse holo $0.30
numel reverse holo $0.20
camerupt reverse holo $0.20
joltik reverse holo $0.20
torchic reverse holo $0.23

golett reverse holo $0.20
yamask reverse holo $0.20
ferrothorn reverse holo $0.20
elegyem reverse holo $0.20
trubbish reverse holo $0.40
beheeyem reverse holo $0.20

scraggy reverse holo $0.25
excadrill reverse holo $0.20
bisharp reverse holo $0.20
nuzleaf reverse holo $0.20
sandslash reverse holo $0.20
timburr reverse holo $0.20
mienfoo reverse holo $0.20
golett reverse holo $0.20
gabite reverse holo $0.25

vulpix reverse holo $0.40
ninetales reverse holo $1.06
mewtwo movie promo $1.50 (played)
thundurus holo $0.53
tornadus holo $0.53
terrakion holo $0.60
reshiram $ 4.00 tin promo
zekrom $ 3.80 tin promo
aggron reverse holo $0.50

Rockets training gym $0.50 (minor wear on sides)
bills teleporter $0.22 (minor wear on sides)
lt.surge $0.23 (minor wear on sides)
erika's perfume $0.28 (minor wear on sides)
erika's maids $0.28 (minor wear on sides)
professsor oak $0.23 (minor wear on sides)
bill $0.23 (minor wear on sides)
koga $0.30 (minor wear on sides)
secret mission $0.30 (LT.surge with raichu)

White kyurem ex full art $11.00 (near mint)

Haxorus holo is $0.50
Blissey reverse holo $0.35
Stoutland $0.25
Rest of cards are $0.20 cents each

Gabite pokemon power (on steps) $0.25
gabite other $0.23
Rest of cards are $0.22 cents each

Ambipom $0.22
Audino $0.20
swablu $0.22
Primeape is $2.00 OBO
swablu (two attacks) $0.25
Rest of cards are $0.13 cents each

sabelye $1.60
zoroark $0.60
zorua $0.25
zorua (jumping) $0.22
Rest of cards are $0.18 cents each

throh $0.20
holo krookodile $0.45
sandile $0.23
krokorok $0.24
Rest of cards are $0.14 cents each

excadrill $0.23
aerodactyl $0.40
cubone $0.22
marowak $0.23
sawk $0.23
Rest of cards are $0.14 cents each

golurk holo $0.32
trubish $0.25
drillbur $0.23
cofagrigus reverse holo $0.30
excadrill $0.23
Rest of cards are $0.14 cents each

manectric $0.25
mareep $0.23
slowking $0.28
electrike $0.22
flaffy $0.27
Rest of cards are $0.14 cents each

electrike $0.23
tynamo $0.35
elektross holo $0.35
Rest of cards are $0.20 cents each

slowbro $0.25
slowpoke $0.25
Rest of cards are $0.13 cents each

piplup $0.25
prinplup $0.30
buizel $0.23
floatzel $0.24
Rest of cards are $0.13 cents each

magikarp $0.25
gyrados $0.28
volcarona reverse holo $0.40
magmotar $0.22
Rest of cards are $0.13 cents each

vulpix $0.25
accelgor $1.00
blaziken reverse holo $1.00
Rest of cards are $0.20 cents each

venasaur ability holo $0.70
ivysaur $0.25
bulbasaur $0.23
scyther $0.23
maractus $0.23
Rest of cards are $0.14 cents each

jumpluff reverse holo $0.40
beautifly $0.25
Rest of cards are $0.15 cents each

bisharp, cards, deino, lilligant, throh, bellsprout, oddish, gligar, exeggutor, zweilous, dratini, solosis, psyduck, zubat, woobat, beartic, sunkern, omastar, jynx, elgyem, poliwhirl, munna, girafarig, foongus, marill, beedrill, ferrothorn, quagsire, raikou, hoothoot, golbat, mienshao, larvesta, stantler, smeargle, smoochum, cryogonal, electrode, panpour, porygon, stunfisk, weedle, jellicent, gothita, kricketune, rattata, blitzle, kabuto, tangela, electabuzz, pinsir, parasect, arcanine, lampent, archen, horsea, clefairy, igglybuff, basculin, hippowdon, garbodor, nidoran, cubchoo, machoke, magnemite, tauros, zebstrika, mr. mime, tepig, golduck, flareon, raticate, eevee, ferroseed, vanillite, litwick, karrablast, xatu, starly, spearow, golett, whirlipede, rhyhorn, ariados, fraxure, swoobat, primeape, riolu, unown, duosion, darmanitan, cyndaquil, pineco, omanyte, emolga, noctowl, poliwrath, dragonair, musharna, onix, kricketot, jumpluff, cofagrigus, pawniard, kakuna, deerling, ledian, jigglypuff, amoonguss, wooper, cinccino, zekrom, entei, jolteon, typhlosion, piplup, cleffa, pikachu, larvitar, magmar, klink, lapras, staryu, vulpix, machamp, grimer, mewtwo, persian, gothitelle, gloom, ivysaur, chikorita, weavile, yamask, timburr, hippopotas, pidgey, flaaffy, paras, ponyta, slowpoke, growlithe, pansage, teddiursa, nidorina, alakazam, quilava, sudowoodo, snivy, kingdra, elekid, poliwag, sales, pansear, whimsicott, luxio, fearow, squirtle, reuniclus, abra, nuzleaf, bayleef, raichu, sneasel, chandelure, aipom, vanillish, pupitar, audino, leavanny, solrock, hoppip, golurk, mienfoo, beheeyem, kadabra, pignite

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