I've been getting pretty amazing things recently :3 The latest of them arrived today just about when I was leaving for my home city to visit my family (I moved out half a year ago). A sealed box of Topps Series 3! Of course I couldn't leave it. So here's the whole story...
Topps Series 3 was never sold in Finland. I know many people who collect Topps cards, but pretty much everyone here is missing the numbers 118-151. I had almost completed my own collection, but I really wanted to find more... And then
minnakek came to visit a couple of weeks ago. It was just to buy some cards (and to raid my extra kid figure boxes xD) but somehow we ended up talking about the Series 3 and then searching for it on Ebay... And there it was. A sealed box. Not a cheap one, and we half-joked about buying it. After she left, I kept thinking about it... I would complete my collection and could sell the rest... I thought about it for so long and my boyfriend was already like "buy it already, you want it anyway"... So I did. It felt great. :D
And so, the box arrived today. Like an early Christmas. Of course I had to take it with me even though I was in a hurry. The train ride was awesome. Apparently, so were the expressions of the lady sitting near us x3 And my boyfriend kept teasing me about being so excited just like a little kid... x3
Opening boosters is so much fun! My boyfriend helped too. The contents were totally different from what I had expected, I thought most would be the basic 118-151 cards but there were so many Orange Islands and other cards too!
The train windowsill was a good table :D
All my gets, sorted into piles. I didn't even know those pop-up cards existed ohmygoshimsoexcited~
And then I got home, it was great to see my family again :3 And I got to spread the cards out on my bed and take better pictures~
Random special cards, they're so cool! I totally didn't know those pop-up cards existed, I'm still missing 4 now and I want them! Please tell me someone has them? I don't even know which cards they are since they weren't included in the checklist... (Lol look at Tracey's face, why does he look so ugly :'D) And the evolution puzzle piece things too, I only got 3 out of 12! I need these in my life...
The main attraction, they're all holo! <3 They're going straight in my binder when I get back to my collection. And I need the rest, too!
The full set of normal cards, I got about 3-4 of most of them. My friends in Finland are going to be thrilled :D
I love Orange Islands! <3 They were originally skipped in Finland when Pokemon was first aired in television years and years ago. I only watched the episodes a while ago and it was so nostalgic seeing old episodes I hadn't seen before... <3
I only got holo versions of the numbers 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12 and 14 so I need to find the rest!
I didn't know there were so many Heroes&Villains cards! I'm still missing the holo versions of Brock, Tracey, Lapras and Jenny.
I already had the whole puzzle before, but I had no idea there were holographic versions of these cards! Now I need both middle pieces and the bottom right one. Need! It's such a cute puzzle :3
That's all! They're amazing <3 So now really really want the ones I'm missing, please help me if you have any lying around <3
- pop-up cards
- evolution puzzle cards/whatever they are called
- holo Mr. Mime, Scyther, Jynx, Magmar, Tauros, Magikarp, Ditto, Kabuto, Kabutops, Snorlax, Zapdos, Dratini, Dragonair, Mewtwo
- holo Orange Islands 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18
- holo Heroes & Villains Brock, Tracey, Lapras, Jenny
- holo Pikachu puzzle cards: middle left, middle right, bottom right
I still need to check that I haven't accidentally acquired any of these at some point when I get back to my collection, but any help getting these would be appreciated! :3
And now for another incredible thing that arrived a few days ago...
Well hello there!
IT'S SO CUTE ;____; <3 Another fuzzy DX Raichu! My own one is on the left, he looks so worn and dirty next to the new one... But I don't mind, he's my most beloved plush (a gift from my boyfriend and my best friend) so he's simply been very loved.
So, I just saw someone in Finland selling their Raichu for a good price and snagged him right away. Only one convention seller had 3 or 4 of them in stock around 2009, my own one's one of them too. I don't really know what to do with the new cutie now, I'm probably not going to keep him since I love my own one so much. This one looks totally mint except the ear glue making the curls split (but this seems to be common among these Raichus) and he doesn't have a hang tag. But otherwise perfect! I simply have no idea about pricing him, the recent ones have gone for quite high prices... He'll probably end up being auctioned off unless I get good offers before that.
I couldn't resist taking a couple of double fuzzy cuteness shots.
Raichus always make me so happy <3
Finally, a few other recent gets.
An awesome Tupperware container! There was an Ebay listing with two of these but they didn't ship to Finland, so I teamed up with
denkimouse to get them :3 Thanks so much! ^^ As you can see, I'll really use it :D
And a bunch of other gets! I finally got the Wailord pokedoll <3 It's adorable. And the rest are from a Y!J box :3 It looks like I'm slowly ending up with a small Quagsire collection. But they're so cute! There were lots of extras too, I'll have to make a new sales post at some point... (And lol upside down PokeTime Wailord photobombing)
Thanks for reading, everyone!