I found this small lot on eBay today, guess what it might be
I will be doing this lot by myself
Yep, some more Tomy figures.
- Community rules apply, no sniping, no deleting bids, etc
- I receieved sales permission on February 23, 2013 from
entirelycliched- My feedback:
http://feedback.pkmncollectors.net/feedback/view/scraft_work/-There will be 2 payments. One for the lot and the other for me to ship to you.
- I ship from Kentucky
-Figures will begin at $2 except for ones missing antennas (Butterfree and Dragonite)
-Bid/reply in an increase of $1
- I am not claiming anything but will be bid on items
The lot ends on March 9, 08:16:29 PST (11:16:29EST)
http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20130309T111629&p0=414&msg=Menagerie+GA ~Threads will be up shortly Bid away!