so what's new? (collection update) + MPC SALES

Feb 15, 2013 20:30

Hi everyone! I've finally summoned enough power to take collection photos to share with you all!!! A lot of new guys have joined my main crew since my previous update (and are admittedly still pretty small collections) but there's no harm in sharing them anyway, right? goes!

BRIEF BIO: like most, I've been a pokemon fan since the age of dinosaurs, but it wasn't until 4 years ago that I decided playing the games wasn't enough; I needed to IMMERSE myself with pokemon physically. That's when I joined in 2009. I like A LOT of pokemon but the ones I seriously collect are: bronzong, reuniclus, klink line, drapion, and gigalith. and OTHER-ER collections I have are smeargle, golurk/golett, throh, sawk, trubbish/garbodor, ...and a few more. (I haven't added to these in awhile though; they've currently taken the back-burner for now). people-wise I really like the subway masters and e4 caitlin! Unfortauntely though, I don't have a sizable enough collection to share for them, yet.'s the crew, starting with bronzong:

I began collecting him about...10 months ago? After playing pokepark 2: wonders beyond he somehow managed to become one of my favorite pokemon. I find him oddly precious. I have almost every non-flat item for him now, I think. Its not a whole lot, but its more than I expected! I feel especially BLESSED to have a bronzong in plush form. SO friggin adorable, man!

the arms down keshipoke is possibly my favorite figure along with the megablok! cuties

Clear bronzong don't be shy you are beautiful.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that bronzong has a lot of battrio. I especially like the one on the upper left where he looks like he's dancing!

I scanned these amada stickers since they are my favorite illustrations! He's all like "I require hugs right now"

ROCK MOHAWKS!!! (gigalith) There's a little story to this collection. While I was in japan last year I thought It'd be fun to start a new collection. I managed to secure the chupa figure, mpc plush (after a gigazillion tries), and pokecen charm while I was there. Even though it isn't much, these items remind me of my time there and are VERY SPECIAL to me!! Since this collection is still somewhat new, I am unfortunately lacking some of his most basic items like the kids figures. uwu;

reuniclus! Not much is new here yet, unfortunately. (eagerly awaiting the mpc!) but I love my jellies. solosis and duosion sneak on this shelf too sometimes. For anyone wondering, the super adorable plush was made by usakochan! I love it so much *__*

oh hey, a big jumbled mess o' gears. but they are cute gears so that's okay. One day I will find a more clever way to display them. Not much is new here either, BUT...

I did get this awesome poster though! I want to get it framed before it goes up on my wall.

and lastly, drapion!! I used to be a pretty serious drapion collector back in the day but I put them in storage when I stopped collecting bug types. I rekindled my love for him because I still really love bug/arthropod pokemon and even if he's not bug-type he's still a rad-as-heck scorpion monster. Unfortunately, a good portion of this collection got lost so it is obviously quite punily sized right now. uwu;

thank you for looking!

- - -

Also, I have some MPC plush for sale!

*sales permission granted in 2009 from lineaalba
*paypal only
*I ship from the US
*shipping rates will be about $2-$3 domestic and $3-$4 international (not including fees)
*leave your username/item(s) bought in the note!
*trades/partial trades are welcome for any items I may be missing from the above collections.
*haggling is welcome

note: I am VERY unsure about pricing these so sorry if some seem overpriced?


virizion $12
terrakion $12
cobalion $12
lampent $15
haxorus $15
golurk $13
mienshao $15
maractus $13
vullaby $13
carracosta $13
accelgor $15
meloetta (pirouette form) $13
sandile $10
yamask $6
cinccino $10
deino $15

bronzong, klang, mpc, drapion, klinklang, collection, sales, reuniclus, gigalith, bronzor, klink

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