January sales :>

Jan 16, 2013 00:43

So I got my sales permission about a week ago and now I have some sales to offer :> Everything I have here on sale has quite low shipping costs!! So take a look :)

I don't have a sales banner yet but I'm working on it!!

Rules etc.
- Sales permission granted on 09 January 2013 by entirelycliched
- My feedback can be found here: http://feedback.pkmncollectors.net/feedback/view/yumifun/
- I ship from Finland and I ship internationally of course
- All prices are in USD and don't include shipping&fees
- I accept Paypal only
- I'm not accepting trades at the moment
- Everything comes from a home that is pet- and smoke-free
- I'm not responsible for lost or damaged packages
- I can ship items 2-3 times/week
- I can hold items for up to 24h

So... To the sales:

2$ each
Sold: Solrock, Gliscor, Hippopotas, Spiritomb

Mystery Poke Pack figures/ 151 figures
2$ each
Sold: Magikarp, Farfetch'd, Voltorb, Kabuto, Exeggcute

151 figures
3$ each
Sold: Zapdos, Dratini, Dragonair, Persian x1

151 figures
3,50$ each
Sold: Jolteon, Dragonite, Vulpix

2$ each

Europian candy figures
3$ each
Sold: Raikou, Cyndaquil, Froslass

Older Europian candy figures
3$ each

Sold: Buizel

More older Europian candy figures
3$ each
Sold: Octillery

TOPPS cards
0,50$ each

TOPPS cards
0,50$ each
Sold: Magnemite, Hitmonchan, Koffing

Old school lollypop sticks
Squirtle and bulbasaur are 2,50$ each and Pokeball is 1,50$

Pencil toppers
1,50$ each
Sold: Seedot

Zukan pieces
3$ each
Sold: Miltank x2, Smeargle

Other figures
Mew strap 4$
Shaymin sky form 17$ OBO (Europian candy figure)

charmeleon, skitty, cyndaquil, mew, muk, dragonair, shaymin, onix, treecko, exeggutor, dratini, psyduck, miltank, uxie, jynx, seel, vaporeon, raikou, golbat, jolteon, zapdos, magmar, vileplume, stantler, smeargle, electrode, taillow, vulpix, farfetch'd, drowzee, porygon, magcargo, wigglytuff, persian, rattata, kabuto, blaziken, chikorita, hippopotas, haunter, dodrio, arcanine, ponyta, doduo, horsea, koffing, nidorina, hippowdon, exeggcute, sandshrew, minun, figures, kids, sales, raticate, eevee, wobbuffet, magikarp, gengar, venomoth, squirtle, meowth, sandslash, arbok, weezing, raichu, seaking, charmander, spearow, bulbasaur, chansey, dragonite, octillery, hitmonchan

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