Hello, I hope everyone had a great holiday!
There's lots of great items coming out these days, I'm so excited for the Substitute Plush!
I'm also preparing a sales post with 2 (possibly 3) DX pokedolls.
I'm also looking for info on a Lucario Plush I just got.
Come have a look!
First off this Lucario has the Pikachu Hangtag above, does anyone know anything about it?
I know it came from the Pokemon Center in 2006...thats about it XD
He's next to the Lucario Pokedoll for reference.
Next Archeops joins Archen.
Lillipup, Herdier and Stoutland evo line completed!
Elgyem and Beheeyem.
Golett and Golurk.
Maractus is soooo cute :D
Got the new pokedolls, that makes 180 total!
I broke down and got these gen III booties from ebay. They aren't that bad (though manectric is missing his mouth and ears). lol
It is my hope that these indicate that the real plush are on the way. Like when those bootie dragonairs came out right before the poketime release.
Finally hung up my hot plates.
I got a 2004 Bulbasaur Pokedoll to complete my original Japanese Starters :D
Tush tags close up.
My site is once again up to date:
Lastly here's my Sales Preview: THAT IS ONE BIG CHICKEN!!!
I will be selling my Jirachi DX Pokedoll, My Torchic DX Pokedoll and possibly my Mew DX Pokedoll.
Keep your eyes open next week!
Thanks :)