Korean Eeveelution Box Opening + TCG Wants (including Foreign card collection pics)

Oct 22, 2012 15:40

Hi, Everyone! ^^

I've been meaning to post for about a week now, but I keep putting it off. BUT! Today my Korean Eeveelution Booster Box arrived. I was debating on Livestreaming and decided to open a pack on my own. As some of your might remember, I pulled an EX card in my first Dark Rush booster pack in the last stream. First Eeveelution pack...I pulled Leafeon Lv. X. :O I'm SO EXCITED! I don't have it recorded, though. lol.

(The Victini pack was a freebie sent from the seller. XD!)

Anyway! sorjei saw my tweets and convinced me I should Livestream for the rest of the packs...or for as long as my mom's internet will let me. Is anyone online right now to watch? If so, I can get the webcam set up and start streaming in next 15 or so minutes. The stream will be happening here -> http://www.livestream.com/maitaidelight (I'll update the entry to let everyone know that the stream has started.) Stream Over! Thanks to everyone that stopped by to watch and chat!

I have 11 Unopened Booster Packs if anyone is interested! There is a possibility you will get any of the 8 eeveelutions in a pack. When I bought my Dark Rush booster box, I got 3 EX cards....so far with this box, I have gotten two Lv X...so there might be another one hiding in a pack (not sure if there are always three ultra rares in a box, though).

rhys107 - Not sure if you wanted to buy or trade for the cards, but I have the complete Wurmple line and Calmpearl on hold for you.

Eeveelutiongirl - Not sure if you were at the stream, but I did get a few Eeveelution doubles, so I have those on hold for you and will be PMing you about the trade soon.

I'll have to make a post sometime of all the available Korean cards I have now. ^^

English wants:
(also will consider any RH Houndoom/dour cards or any foreign language cards of them.)

Non-RH Skyridge Houndour. Holo version Aquapolis Houndoom (also need RH but that's less important). Prerelease Dark Houndoom. Non-RH Delta Species Eevee. RH Promo Lillipup ( And maybe the RH Herdier and Stoutland that go with it.)

Also looking for McDonalds Servine Promo and Dragon Vault Latias (regular version) and maybe the promo version of Druddigon. Also the Dragon Vault Dragonite and Salamence booster wrappers


And, I'm not sure it actually exists since I haven't seen one but the Japanese Reverse Holo Reviving Legends Houndour and Houndoom.

And then foreign language Base and Jungle set wants (plus collection photos) -

I'm not sure how many people pay attention to cards in languages other than English and Japanese. But I think they're neat! As far as I can tell, the Base and Jungle sets were released in nine languages. I have a couple cards in 7/9 languages...so close to completion! So, I'm sharing some of my collection photos here hoping that people will be trading/selling some of the cards I'm missing.

I'm horrible with telling languages apart. One way I have found to tell them apart is the HP text on the cards.

IP - Dutch
PV - Italian or French
PI - Spanish
KP - German
PS - Portuguese
then English, Japanese, and Korean are pretty easy to tell apart.

Any languages or set versions (usually legendary or base set 2) of these I'm missing -

If you can't see some of these cards to figure out what language they are, please feel free to ask. I know some of these images are blurry. O:

Jungle Eevee! Only missing two languages as far as I can tell - Japanese and Korean. Also have Legendary print.

Jungle Eeveelutions.

Jungle Meowth! Only missing two languages as far as I can tell - Korean and Portuguese. Also have Legendary and Base Set 2 versions.

Jungle Persian. Don't have as many as Meowth, but pretty good start.

Base Set Growlithe! The only Arcanine I have is in English. ^^;

Base Set Vulpix! Only missing two languages as far as I can tell - Portuguese and French. Also have Legendary print. No foreign Ninetales yet. ^^;

The rest of these are less important but I took pics because I had 5 or more languages of the cards and then I took pics of some of the evolutions. I actually collect a lot more of the Base/Jungle cards in other languages, but I only took pics of the ones I like most. If you have any others...feel free to ask me if I'd be interested in them.

Base Set Rattata and Raticate.

Base Set Pidgey and Pidgeotto and Jungle Pidgeot.

Base Set Pikachu and Raichu.

Base Set Gastly and Haunter.

Jungle Cubone and Marowak.

Jungle Butterfree.

Base Set Charmander.

Base Set Charmeleon and Charizard.

Jungle Nidoran F...didn't set out to collect this one, but it just kinda happened.

Jungle Nidorina...not as many as Nidoran F, but good start. ^^

Thanks for reading!

~ Risha

charmeleon, cards, pidgey, cubone, purrloin, haunter, salamence, arcanine, growlithe, pidgeotto, nidorina, liepard, leafeon, nidoran, ninetales, gastly, espeon, marowak, flareon, raticate, eevee, houndoom, vaporeon, druddigon, jolteon, meowth, pikachu, pidgeot, aron, wanted, glaceon, vulpix, raichu, houndour, collection, charmander, butterfree, dragonite, latias, persian, umbreon, charizard, rattata, servine

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