Shipping Update + What have I been doing lately?

Aug 16, 2012 20:59

Hi community!

An update from my last sales post and, what have I been doing Lately?

First Part:
Ok, I haven't shipped yet.
Sorry everyone, but highschool is draining the life out of me Dx
But I think tommorow I'll be able to ship.
Sorry for the delay Dx

Second Part:
Alright, lately I've been doing some art work!
Some artwork, in Pokedoll Style :3

Alright, so I made these guys over the last, 2 weeks.
They are made using Crayola Model Magic, and coated with Nail Polish.
I also made it where body parts connect, to seem like if they have poor stitching (as you can see in the close ups) so that they seem a bit more plushie styled!



(Commissioned for rhys107)


(Commissioned for rhys107)


My first Pokedoll Sculpture!
(Gifted to rhys107)


He probabbly has the best eyes out of all of them!


My favorite one so far :D

I MIGHT be taking commissions as soon as I get more practice.
But I would love some feedback on these guys and some sudgestions :)

Thanks for looking!

diglett, wurmple, silcoon, surskit, chinchou, custom, pokedolls, cascoon

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