Pokemon Center fun times!

Aug 12, 2012 02:51

In July, I went on an adventure in Japan! Not only did I see the awesome new movie twice with awesome pkmncollectors folks, but I've accumulated a lot of new collection additions and visited two Pokemon Centers, all of which I took plenty of pictures to share. :D

Pokemon Center Tokyo was my first Pokecen visit ever! Just being surrounded by so much merchandise I could hand pick in person was such a fun experience. :D Though even more fun was to be had in the Union Room.

Such awesome decor!

Of course I had to grab a close-up of this particular part :D

For playing a trial demo of the new AR Searcher (in which we were to catch lovely beast forme Tornadus), we were given these stickers! A welcome addition to my already existing kami trio collection and the start of my collection of their sacred beast formes.

On the final day of my trip, I visited the Yokohama Pokecen. It was certainly a lot bigger with more great sights in store.

Shiny starter TOMY plushies! They're so adorable in person, even if Oshawott isn't too much different than its original coloration. Anyone who will be lucky to own one of these certainly won't be disappointed. :D

And then there's all of the Pokemon that I amassed during the trip....

I completely fell head over heels for Keldeo after watching the movie, and I regret not getting more! I've yet to get a plush for myself as the UFO machines weren't very kind to me and I left the country the very morning the Pokedolls (and Skyla clear file!) were released, but I'm not too worried about obtaining a plush that I like. I also had a kid of his normal form, but I left it behind somewhere, never to see it again! Feisty horsies escaping my grasp, but at least I got a few cool things, including the movie theater TOMY and the 7-11 bottle cap figures. :D
Prior to watching the movie, resolution form was my favorite design wise... but I think Keldeo's personality in the movie had me warm up to his normal form so much more!

I added to my ongoing collections of Rufflet/Braviary and Tranquill! On the eagles side, I obtained the TOMY Rufflet plush (shown later on!), Rufflet kid, Braviary hiragana poof (courtesy of tamago226) and Rufflet & Braviary Aeon-exclusive can badges! For Tranquill, just the hiragana poof- sadly the Aeon store didn't have it in stock when I visited it.

Lots of plushies! With many thanks to denkimouse, I'm completlely caught up on my flying-type MPCs for now. :D I'm so happy to have a plush of each of the kami trio now- I've had the Pokecen plush of Tornadus (my favorite of the trio) for many months, but he was getting a little lonely without his bros to fight with. Also, Pokedolls I've wanted for a while (Cobalion, Blitzle and mini Ducklett) as well as TOMY birds Archen and Rufflet!

Lots and lots of charms! I totally went for all the birds I wanted that were actually in stock along with Rotoms (just to get Fan Rotom), two Farfetch'd (one to use!), and doubles of charms I had previously (Taillow/Swellow, Tranquill, Starly/Staravia/Staraptor)- and my third sets of Quilava (though I won't be selling Cyndaquil & Typhlosion this time) and Rufflet/Braviary. :D

Card goods! As a fan of all things birds and flying types, I collect Skyla so I grabbed the binder and deck box, passing on the bigger box (I adore her, but I was on a budget and didn't want too many things with the same artwork), and I picked up a deck box of the Subway Masters because I like them as much as the next crazy fan. I'll eventually move all of my bird TCG cards into the binder!

Pokemon Mate goodies!

Of course, I couldn't pass on the opportunity to pick up a few select items of another Unova favorite of mine that's gotten a nice amount of merchandise. With Cheren it was just as tough having to force myself to choose only a few items to accompany my limited budget and even more limited display space, but practical stuff is the best way to circumvent those limits, right?

Lovely clear files! I already had Nobunaga & Zekrom, but I decided to pick up a second one so I could continue displaying the side featuring Masamune & Wargle and have one to use. :D Anything to have more Pokemon Conquest in my life!

Birdies (and a flying squirrel) to round out my official merchandise! I completely missed out on Pokemon Time fun ever since its conception, so I was thrilled to see items from the Hoenn wave in stock. :D Adorable PT Torchics and Swablus, Type Focus Ducklett strap, an adorable Pidove magnet, and Emonga With You can badge! (I also bought duplicates of the Ducklett and Pidove With You badges I owned prior to my trip to put on my bag!)

In Odaiba, there was a doujinshi event featuring lots of Pokemon! While I didn't actually buy a lot of doujinshi (save for a very short one-shot starring Masamune from Pokemon Conquest), there were lots of printed goodies that caught my eye, including adorable Falkner and Cress laminates (my VERY FIRST Cress item- I'm so happy!), surprise Quilavas, and a freebie great ball magnet that was from one of artists I purchased from!

WOW what an image intensive and time consuming post, but if you made it through everything, you have my biggest gratitude for sticking through the aftermath of my Pokemon adventure in Japan! It was certainly a wonderful experience and I miss the country dearly. :D

And one last thing, a little teaser for an upcoming custom auction:

snivy, quilava, oshawott, landorus, tranquill, thundurus, tornadus, collection, plush, braviary, tepig, people, keldeo, rufflet

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