NON FLAT SALES POST - Charms for $3 EACH, 4 Plush for $50 + Shipping!, Pokedoll Pins for $5 AND MORE! FLAT SALES POST - Card lots for cheap, might even haggle, McD Promos for $1.50 EACH (2011 and 2012!!) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE FOR THE FLATS POST INCLUDE IMAGE #s/LINKS IT MAKES IT SO MUCH EASIER FOR ME!
Remember if I quote you wrong for shipping, if it was more, I refund the difference, if it was less, it comes out of my pocket!
Seriously!! :D:D:D
I will try to keep you all updated...
Next time: Settei sheets for $1, Kids - a TON for a flat rate, and more!!
I just have to sketch something tonight otherwise I'd spend another few hours uploading...