Finally have time to post pictures from almost 3 months ago. x____x;; My job has been overloading me with projects, that time just flies by now. I'm caught up on giving back feedback though. If I have not left you any (I'm pretty sure I have missed a person or two...), then please let me know so I can leave you some! c: I already had to fix some feedback that I accidentally left for the wrong user. xD;; Hopefully I didn't do that to anyone else, BUT if I did, then message/hit/poke at me.
Now onto update 1 of 5...
Worked at Animematsuri dressed as a Drifloon, though I don't think many people realized it lol. Anyway our store booth was right across an epic plush one. I love those people. I miss those people. So much discounts on plush and giant kitty plush heads. Could have died right there and have been happy. Wanted to buy more MPC plush, but they sold out quick (no surprise, they were like $8 a pop). And then awesome artist Jolteon button yeeeaaah
There is an eBay buyer that if you buy one pack, they throw in three more with a kind note. :') Want to buy from them forever! Didn't get anything too amazing out of these, but it was nice to buy some Japanese packs. Haven't in almost 10 years. DOESN'T FEEL THAT LONG AGO ;A;
Found my old binder with old pack wrappers still inside. They have only gone up about $0.70 in the past ten years. The more you know~~~~~~~*
And now for the GA that re-sparked my stamp love...
Even ghost wants some. And Frankenstein definitely wants some.
MOAR CHARMS I almost have all of the ones I wanted. :') Just need like 6 more..or 9....
And two plush I never thought I'd ever get minty fresh. Thank you guys again for doing pick ups. ;w;
Yes that's HasbroRai sneaking in there with my Snakes on a Plane poster that I have yet to put up...
Still have more left to update, later when I get time to take better quality photos. x__x Like Mew Ex pull, derpy Squirtle pokedoll, dot sprite stuff of awesome, first pan stickers, and Settei. <33333
Sorry this had boring average stuffs. :P Next time will be better lol. And an intro post some day. Still have 40 hours left of Pokemon Conquest BRB! :DDD