Trying to get Most the ghost zukan but knowing that Gastly,Haunter,Gengar came form the 1st set making them very rare and since none of the gen5 ghosts have been made i dont i will be able to get all the ghosts.Torterra my fav starter i got him on ebay for cheap noone bid lucky me.Roserade i have 3 Roserade sets i found a seller on ebay selling sealed balls (lol) i keep hopeing for a Dialga but it always Roserade aaarrrrrr.I also have the movie Zekrom ver full set coming this next week i am hopeing to trade my 2nd golurk for a Hydreigon.
I dont know what Dusknoir and Golurk are looking at.
The Torterra zukan is very useful at storing small zukans
Trades:like i said above hoping to trade golurk for Hydreigon note that the golurk for trade will be MIB
Zukans:all the ghosts,Heatran.
YOTD folder
KIDS:Heatran and Sableye