Re-introduction + Slowking Collection

Apr 03, 2012 23:44

It's been so long since I've posted an update on my collection - almost one year. x-x So here's a little re-introduction~

I just turned 20 a few days ago and I've been a member of the comm since October 2010. ^^ My collection started off very broad with me collecting all of my favourites, but now it's kind of focused down onto Slowking. I also collect a bit of Croagunk, and Golduck and the Lotad-line fall into my Japanese kappa collection, but this post'll focus on my Slowkings.

Here's my four plushies. I'm a bit of a tag-lover so when I buy a new Banpresto UFO (one on the left) I'll be modding this one into it's shiny form. The big one is a custom and as my friends call it, "perfect cuddle-sized". x3 Perfect for cuddling with whilst watching anime in the lounge in the middle of the night haha. Really want to get around to commissioning a custom Slowking Pokedoll~

Here are a few customs~ The Slowking on the left was drawn by my house mate (Shazy on DA) and the one next to it came free with a custom figure (which I'll show soon). The top two badges in the column of four were a random gift from a friend at Uni. ^^ The bottom two are by  drag0n_aura ; their Pokedoll pins are so adorable, I really recommend commissioning them.

Figures!~ There are a few doubles - that just means I need to paint one shiny. My favourite has to be the zukan - they're so well made! Also, that really tiiiiny figure! I got it in the post a few days ago and when I took it out I was like 'awwwwww'! <3 It took me by surprise how small it was. xD

The figures on the left are two customs - a fruit figure (with Strawberries, cus they're my fav fruit) and a Pokedoll figure. On the left are the Pokecen Charms - the first is the old and the second is the new. They didn't really change anything with Slowking and Slowbro, but Slowpoke went from a... er... suggestive pose to a standing up pose. xD I love it when they draw him standing up lol makes him look a tad less lazy.

Finally I'll finish with a shot of my whole Slowking collection, minus quite a few items I left at Uni by accident. D: It's grown quite a bit in the last year considering I haven't been spending too much money on it. Can't wait to see how it looks next April. ^^

Also, I found this Meowth plush in a local shop (it was sat above the till and the cashier had nicknamed it Moustachio xD) whilst hunting for Pokemon gifts for my SO. It's a Play-By-Play plush but I can't find it on PokePlushProject (they're all a fuzzy texture whilst this isn't) so here's some photos incase any Meowth collectors are interested. :3


I'll be leaving everyone feedback for that Mega Epic Plush GA tomorrow - wanted to wait until all problems were sorted so I could give everyone feedback at the same time. If you do still have any problems please message me; I'm more than happy to take the time to help you out. ^^

meowth, slowking, collection

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