in which i kill your internets with images

Mar 21, 2012 03:55

HELLO MY POKEFRIENDS! I have MANY PICTURES because I've been lazy and stuff has piled up as a result. I was going to include a photostory in this entry as well, but this ended up so long I decided I'll post that in a separate entry in a couple days. It will feature a newbie named Prescott, who you get to meet in this entry.

I figure it's been a while since I made a large post and there's been lots of new members since then, so perhaps a little re-intro is in order!

So, hi. 8D My name's Megan, but the majority of the internet calls me Toady or Toedy. I'm a 22-year-old girl living in Canada who aspires to be a published author of YA and fantasy novels. Maybe it's the writer blood, but I talk way too much. Sorry. |D; My favourite Pokemon for ever and for always is POLITOED. <3 I've loved frogs ever since I was alive so that explains a lot. My second favourites are Palpitoad and Bonsly, and my tertiary loves include Turtwig, Stunky, Gible, Bulbasaur/Venusaur, and Wobbuffet. My childhood loves were Raichu and Marill, so I've still got a soft spot for them as well.

I've been a Pokefan since the first gen and I still remember the joy when my parents surprised me with Yellow. I've got fond memories of Pokemon Snap and Hey, You! Pikachu!, which induced my 12-year-old self to sleepwalk out of my bedroom one night, where my dad caught and scolded me for being awake and I complained in my sleep that I just wanted to play the game. I sort of fell out of the craze with everyone else but still played the games. Diamond/Pearl are the only ones I've never played (but will soon!).

Other than Pokemon, I collect Frog Style, and everyone gives me frog stuff which = MASSIVE FROG COLLECTION that I have hardly added to myself. XD It's pretty awesome.

If you read all of that, thank you. C: And now... let's get to the rest of this stupidly massive post! WITH PICTURES. I'm so sorry dial-up users and my Aussie friends. Please still love me when it's over? <3 I did make sure all of the photos are around 50~70KB, though I think there's one or two that snuck into the 80s and low 90s.


FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS. Everyone loves charms, right?! That's what I thought. I guess mail carriers think otherwise after so many deliveries. :C


He looks so distressed! Sort of like, "H-Hi! So, it was a funny story..."

I nearly had a heart attack when I pulled my charm packet out of the envelope and saw Tympole flopping around at the bottom! At first glance I feared the worst but upon closer inspection I got VERY lucky. I have no idea how, but the only thing wrong with it is that Tympole's metal hoop got bent out of place, letting him fall off his clasp. It's almost like something was dropped on a very specific part of the package or something. But I find it really weird and hard to picture, considering the cardboard backing looks like this:

And even the Pikachu bag they came in shows signs of damage:

So, yeah, I AM LUCKY. :T There is nothing wrong with any of them aside from that twisted metal hoop. Palpitoad has a teensy black speck on his tummy and head, but that could be from the factory. I count my blessings and thank my mom for knowing what she's doing. XD She helped restore him to his proper charming self:

"I-I'm better now! Love me?"

There are some scuffs on his hoop as a result of the pliers that were used, but all in all I'm just so happy it wasn't worse. Gives the little fellow character, amirite? But it just goes to prove the fact that TYMPOLE KEEPS STEALING THE SHOW. Palpitoad is my baby, my love, my chirpy smiley wiggletoad, but the Pokecen keeps throwing Tympoles at me and I can't resist and Palpitoad gets shoved to the side! I got this charm set for Palpitoad, but NOPE, Tympole's gotta hog the spotlight again. :C I LOVE YOU PALPI I PROMISE


First is new gets! I've actually had most of these for a while now and they've been accumulating over the last couple of months. (I haven't been able to buy much, woe is me.)

LOTS OF THINGS FROM LOTS OF PEOPLE. :'D YEAH THAT'S A TYMPOLE POKEDOLL. I have the always sweet and considerate lady_joan to thank deeply for him, AND the larger Poliwhirl plush beside him (so unexpected!), AND THE POLITOED ZUKAN WHAT. She has been so nice to me and just so giving. ;_; I still can't believe it and I feel like I'll never be able to show my appreciation fully. Seriously, thank you SO much, lady_joan! I love them all so much, especially Tympole. He's become one of my favourite plush and I care so strongly about him. <3 Also, the Poliwhirl is just so cute and huggable that he's become my sleeping buddy. XD I love cuddling him in bed.

The new Turtwig plush is from chaosoftwilight (who is a stellar shipper, wow!), and I wouldn't have him if spideyroxas hadn't graciously passed on him. <3 HE IS SO CUUUTE. And his itty bitty body is shaped kinda diagonally so he has no hope in any world of standing on his own four feet without something propping his big ol' head up. I love him to pieces. XD

Couldn't fit everything in one shot so here's the "flat" side! :D ALL of the stickers in the front plus the adorable postcard in the back and the card sleeves were given to me by hebitheivan as belated Valentine's gifts in a present exchange we did! <3 She gave me other things in the first photo but I'll detail those in the upcoming close up shots.

I forgot this in the other photo. :B Pokemon lanyard! \o/ jantyl had it in her sales post and... and... POLITOED. No more reasoning is necessary. |D I got SO excited when I spotted him on this thing, haha. It's a really beautiful strap, whether it's official or not! (Really not sure either way, but it doesn't bother me any.)

These are some of the cutest doodles I've gotten in the mail to date. XD All by jantyl! I love how there's a Turtwig, haha. And puffy-cheeked!Politoed is like the cutest thing in existence. ;W;

Eee Tympole <3 Chikorita Kid is from hebitheivan as well, and THAT PIN SQUEE. I got it from usakochan and it's just so cuuute. XD If anyone knows where that art is from PLEASE SHARE. I believe it's from a physical book and if this is so I want a copy. Also there is the Politoed TOMY I've already shown off, from eledora! :D

ZUKANZUKANZUKAN. I really never expected to have one so soon considering its pricetag. ;w; Gah, thank you, lady_joan! It's my first zukan and Politoed is so itsy bitsy <3 XD So cute. I got the Duosion Kid from jantyl with my strap! :D And Wobbuffet ball from tamago226 which is adorable and squishy!

CUTE THINGS. I got the Turtwig TFG from psy_man and I LOVE IT. I've wanted one for ages since I adore Turtwig's chubby cheeks in this figure. XD And eeee little sadtrees!! The pin is from usakochan as well, but the footprint figure and bottlecap... hebitheivan!! SNEAKY WOMAN.

She gave them to me in our Valentine's exchange! ;u; I had NO idea and I just about died when I saw them. I've got a footprint figure but it's missing its base and I was lamenting to myself for a while now about how it seems so hard to find one with a base. THEN POOF. And the bottlecap! I passed on so many of them hoping to get one later and then they disappeared. :T I couldn't believe there was one in that package! The craziest part? I was thinking about that very figure on the way to the post office. XD It floored me when I saw it.

And now I have two bottlecap figures! :D I got the Oshawott from spideyroxas a while ago but it was shipped to my boyfriend and he only managed to send it to me a couple weeks ago. So adorable and aggro. ♥ Now the little fellow's been to the UK, Australia, and Canada (and is not very happy about it?)! XD

Just a closeup of this particular area 'cause the card sleeves are adorable -- AND NATIONAL'S POLITOED CARD WOOT. Got that from dtrain4eva and I love it so much. The other two Politoed cards you could see in the flats photo are just bootleg cards my boyfriend acquired and I made him keep to send to me because Politoed. <3 XD

LOOK LOOK AT THE CUTE. LOOK AT IT. LOOOOOK AAAAT IIITTTT. XD hebitheivan drew this in the card she sent me with the other things! <33 I can't get enough of it. It's just so cute! I love how happy they are and how softly it's coloured and the fact that they are under a leaf! XD So cuuuute!

I got this Pichu in the mail yesterday from the GA akeyma held! No idea what the set is called. I just got it because my boyfriend liked it and I thought I'd gift it to him. <3 Turns out he's REALLY ADORABLE. And he has...

...SPARKLES. WHAT. YEAH. The black parts on his ears and tail have silver sparkles in the fabric! XD Also, the string on his head... pink. Honestly, this is perfect for my boyfriend since his favourite colour is pink, haha. His words as soon as he found out about the sparkles and pink string: "What a GANGSTAH!" To bug him I've nicknamed this plush Sparkles until he figures out a name for it. It bothers him because it's "not a gangster name." XD

Also, Shakespeare wanted me to show you HIS get:

He's excited to find out what the craze is about. (I tease him by threatening him with spoilers so he'll read faster. I'm expecting some skunkish tears.)


Alright. You know I collect Politoeds. However, I got a bootleg Turtwig Pokedoll shortly after I first joined the comm and it was love at first sight and then you guys loved him too and it just fanned my forbidden Turtwig love. I've given in to an extent and am allowing myself a select few Turtwig items, and now I'm pleased to show that my mini Turtwig collection is slowly nearing completion.

I'm only missing the DX Pokedoll (which I bought back in September but haven't gotten yet... :C I'm still in contact with the user so I still hope I'll see him one day), one Kid (one is absent from this photo since it only arrived yesterday -- you can see it in the Kids section later in the entry XD), and a capsule toy that made me love Turtwig in the first place back in 2008. THE DAY APPROACHETH.

Now let me feature some merchandise a little!

The new 'twig, who's a Banpresto UFO, for the record. I named him Lestrade, because he strikes me as that type. Tea for you if you know who he's named after. <3 You'll see him in the upcoming photostory as well.


I'm ALMOST THERE, GUYS. These are all my Politoed figures, custom and official (and bootleg). I'm only 2 official figures away from completion on the official front! Well, unless there are metal figures and stuff... I haven't found pictures of those or much info in general so I'm in the dark there (IF YOU HAVE INFO DO SHARE). :C But ALMOST THERE. I just need the Battle Museum figure and the Pokemon Time strap, I think. I'm trying to get the Battle Museum figure next but money... ~_~

AREN'T THEY CUTE. Couldn't resist when I saw they all had the same pose. XD

AHHH I LOVE THIS BB. SERIOUSLY. ;u; I named him Prescott, after my old, dedicated computer who left me devastated when he passed away (lolwut). He's a techy tadpole and loves sticking his... um, non-existent nose into computer hardware. Is he any good at it? Well... You'll see in my next entry.

OMG YOU GUYS HE'S SO SOFT. If you haven't gotten a new BW Pokedoll you need an excuse to get one because WOW SOFTNESS. ;O; He feels like my cat!

... Wait.

Does that mean my cat is made of minky?!

"...the crap did you just call me?"

(Shakespeare photobomb! And me playing Xenoblade, oh yeah.)

Couldn't resist eeeeee I love their tails. ♥ I'm so excited to make photos with their bigger brother from donny9 who should be here in early April. *_*

All the cool kids were doin' it. :B Can't wait for the Palpitoad MPC! Also, the eyes on the Palpi charm are black... in some lighting. In other lighting they glint like this. o_o It's slightly creepy. He's gonna take over the world one day, my Palpi.


The time finally came for me when my single hanging shelf was not enough. To best remedy that, I thought a plush hammock would do the trick. I watched on eBay for a while trying to find the right one and estimate sizes, but I still wasn't all that happy about spending $15 for something like that. Imagine my glee when I realized... my mom could make me one! XD After finding a pattern and telling her how very much I loved her, she made me one. Free storage unit. AWESOME.

Looks snazzy, no? Not all Pokemon, but I needed those plush off my bed very badly. GEE DO I LIKE FROGS. This is nothing, honestly.

Here's the area it's hung in. The hammock is in a corner above my bed and has Sweets the Shinytoed along with my sleeping buddies, Poliwhirl and a pink frog plush my boyfriend made me, below it (on a frog pillow). <3

Aaand I forgot to take a picture after I hung my zipper pull plush on the edge and the hammock is in slight disarray at the moment so I just took a shot of them. Plus Kerori. XD For the moment this is how I display this side collection of mine.


I'VE GOT KIIIIIIIIDS, THEY'RE MULTIPLYIN'! ...and I'm losin'... control... ;A;'

How quickly things can accumulate right under your nose. I was thinking the other day how I really don't have many Kids. Then I got two more with the Pichu from akeyma and looked at them all together and realized I... kind of do. XD But it makes me happy! Seeing lots of Kids figures in other peoples' collections made me jealous and I wanted big piles too. Now I've got a great start!

I was messing around a bit with the camera today. XD My window is really ugly... but whatever. Kids. C: I'm REALLY excited because I finally got my first Gible Kid! He was kind of hard to get a hold of. >A> Lots of people like that evo line. XD I just like Gible. I've taken so many pictures of him since I got him and I want to share some with you. 8D

HIGH FIVE YEAH. You don't know how much I love his TINY HANDS.

See any resemblance? 9_9 I've got an Angry Snarl item on my Dancer right now and I couldn't help thinking they both looked grumpy. XD (This is Ragnarok Online, if you don't know.)


I've got a couple pictures of my new and ADORABLE Turtwig Kid that came with Gible too! This is easily my favourite Turtwig Kid so far. He's just so HAPPY. And he can noms stuff.

He likes pears. :D

Nothing to noms here.

NOMSING THE LIIIIGHT. Thank you, akeyma! <3


I couldn't resist this little fellow who had been living in shiny_vulpix's sales post for a very long time. He's seen much better days and has a (very manly) battle scar. I thought I could give him some TLC and make him feel loved again.

Aside from the obvious stitched-up hole in his head, his fabric is loved, he has no tags, and the felt around his neck and on the tips of his ears had come apart. He had a bath in a washing machine and came out really soft, though it didn't really change his visible appearance. I glued the felt back together. And I performed a little surgery. A gruesome image is to follow!

Because I'm weird, I like to see what kind of damage is done that got stitched up. So, here! You can see too! XD It's definitely an odd wound and quite possibly a puncture mark from an animal. It's not a single even split -- you can see the bit of fabric poking out in the photo, showing the damage is like a V sort of cut. Poor dear, but it really wasn't as bad as it looked with his old stitching. I re-did it in a less visible way in no time:

Now the fellow is restored to the best of my ability and is coping very well! My boyfriend, who is the Pichu collector, insisted before I even bought him that his name is Odin and he must have an eyepatch because he's now legally blind in his left eye from his past trauma. His wish is my command. XD

With a Gible parrot

I envision the little guy as a ninja who pulls pranks on my other 'mons constantly.


QUESTION! Does anyone know the exact release date for the March batch of MPCs? I've been prowling a little for the Palpitoad but I don't see any sign of it yet.

I (finally) leave you off here with the knowledge that my boyfriend's 7-year-old brother recently pulled a MEWTWO EX and FULL ART RESHIRAM card. Kid's only been playing the TCG a couple weeks. My jaw dropped. XD

politoed, palpitoad, tympole, collection, kids, plush, turtwig, pichu, gible

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