Updated sales with lots of Next Destinies cards!

Mar 04, 2012 16:25

Next Destinies pulls have been added to my sales! Commons and Uncommons all are only $.10, Rares are $.50, Holos are $3, and codes are only $1 each(no shipping or PP fees on codes). Make me an offer if you want a whole bunch of cards or items, or if you feel my prices are too high I'm willing to negotiate. I also still have some phone straps, a tin, and a few other items I just want gone! I ship on Monday, Wed, and Friday.

Click here or the banner to see my wares.

Also, I'm posting another tiny reminder here for the Super Sparkly Stamp GB I am doing with tufails. There are still no claims for Munna, Tepig, Cubchoo, Gothia, Lilligant, Snivy, or Pansage!

swoobat, joltik, tyrogue, cards, deino, sewaddle, grumpig, riolu, lilligant, tympole, throh, conkeldurr, ralts, kricketot, cofagrigus, solosis, pawniard, beartic, deerling, jigglypuff, elgyem, amoonguss, munna, lillipup, patrat, pikachu, lapras, cryogonal, emboar, staryu, panpour, shiftry, sandile, lucario, pidove, gothorita, shinx, wigglytuff, grimer, persian, kricketune, blitzle, vanilluxe, yamask, hippopotas, archen, kirlia, pansage, basculin, nidorina, hippowdon, minccino, swadloon, zorua, snivy, cubchoo, articuno, sales, zebstrika, tepig, starmie, eevee, luxio, shelmet, oshawott, krokorok, simisear, meowth, vanillite, gardevoir, pidgeot, reuniclus, litwick, karrablast, scraggy, raichu, sneasel, chandelure, seedot, vanillish, cottonee, beheeyem, victini, sigilyph

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