Note : A silurid is a catfish =)
Guess who ?
Yesturday was came the most wonderful package since I join this community. ♥
It cames from the sweet
junoluver who picks up for me the below item, my grail and the plush for which I joined pokemoncollectors =D
I was totally excited to opened it and forgot to take pictures of the "discover" xD However, I showed it to a friend from skype. After that I keeped my smile during all the day and sleeped with him on my cushion this night. And now I have it, I understand why people are looking for him too, he's so cool ! <3 Very soft and very fun, I like the poseable whiskers.
It was also come with the pokemon center charms =3 which comes very fast ♥ (pictured with a drawing from my precious sketchbook)
Piiictuuuures ~
Shipping statut and Ice age !
It was snowing this week on the french riviera ! usually the snow in my region melt the day after, but the weather is currently very cold and the snow will stay a moment. So I the items were bought to me last week are not shipped out because I wasn't able to take my car to go to the post office =( Apologize we REALLY don't have the habit to see snow in south of france !
It's the end of dinosaures !