GA#21 by couchpotatonet - 200+ Pan Stickers

Oct 25, 2011 11:10

GA#21 by couchpotatonet

5 day for this auction

- Granted sales permission on 03/10/11 by denkimouse
     Link to all previous Ga’s -
- All standard community and GA rules apply!
- Bidding will end on Sunday, October 30th @ 8:00 pm CST (count down timer)
- Please make bids in response to previous bids, with increments of at least $1
- Any thread with a bid placed in the last five minutes of the auction will be extended until 5 minutes has passed without a bid.
- No deleting bids or backing out.

-  Bids are in increments of $1.

- You must be ready to pay immediately once the invoice is in.
- Please have PMs turned on to receive your invoice
- There will be 1 payment. 
                Payment 1 - auction price + fees + shipping to me + Shipping to you
-  I will be shipping from USA 72758. 
- Seller is charging $3.61 Shipping
-  I will not be claiming anything.  I will bid with everyone else.

You may bid as I create threads, there are over 200 so please be patient.  I will be putting them up in alphabetical order

Okay, threads are up.

We won.  Payment list can be found at this post
Leftovers here:
Everyones stickers have been shipped out (11/22/11)

Won list

astronNosepassbreethezebraLapraschibi_flareFlareon 2chibi_flareFlareon 3chibi_flareFlareon 4cluwHoothootdragonrider49Dratini 1dragonrider49Dratini 3dukeburgerOctillery 1dukeburgerOctillery 2emuriiAipomemuriiCuboneemuriiWeepinbelleuripusJigglypuff 1euripusSnorlaxfoureyedalienSkiploom 4foureyedalienSkiploom 5foureyedalienSkiploom 6foureyedalienSkiploom 7hyper_potionMiltank 1hyper_potionMiltank 2hyper_potionRoseliahyper_potionSunflora 1irethsuneCyndaquil 2irethsuneDelcattyirethsuneQuilavairethsuneSkiploom 1irethsuneSkiploom 2irethsuneSkiploom 3jesslyraAshjesslyraGrowlithe 1kephisosMudkip 1kephisosMudkip 2kephisosMudkip 3likeatruckSnubbulllittle_ledybaBrock 1little_ledybaBrock 2little_ledybaLedian 1little_ledybaLedybalittle_ledybaPolitoedlittle_ledybaSunkernlittle_ledybaUrsaring 1lovelychuBulbasaur 3lovelychuBulbasaur 5lovelychuChikorita 1lovelychuChikorita 2lovelychuHoppip 1lovelychuHoppip 2lovelychuMarill 4megurocoGrowlithe 2meowthcollectorClefablemeowthcollectorClefairy & ClefablemeowthcollectorCyndaquil 3meowthcollectorCyndaquil 4meowthcollectorFlaaffy 2meowthcollectorFlaaffy 3meowthcollectorJigglypuff 3meowthcollectorMeowth 10meowthcollectorMeowth 11meowthcollectorMeowth 7meowthcollectorPsyduck 3meowthcollectorTogetic 1mommymooseAzumarill 1mommymooseDuskull 1mommymooseEevee 5mommymooseJynxmommymooseMagicarpmommymooseTeddiursa 3mommymooseWynaut 1nasijaFlaaffy 1nasijaFlareon 1nasijaIgglybuffparsnippieAmpharos 1parsnippieAmpharos 2parsnippieLanturnrgmusashiTreeckosnowtigermarMewsugar0coatedEevee 2technicolorcageStantler 1technicolorcageStantler 2tissuepaperpetEevee 3tissuepaperpetPsyduck 2tofu256Cyndaquil 1tofu256Marill 5tofu256SwablutufailsAbra 1tufailsBulbasaur 1tufailsEevee 1tufailsMeowth 1umbreongirlBellossom 2umbreongirlElectrikeumbreongirlGlalieumbreongirlHoundourumbreongirlLarvitar - tyranitarumbreongirlMisdreavus 1umbreongirlMurkrowumbreongirlSentret 1umbreongirlTotodileumbreongirlTyrogueumbreongirlVolbeatushigofasweetBellossom 3ushigofasweetPhanpy 1ushigofasweetQwilfishushigofasweetSunflora 2vepsminEevee 4vepsminVulpix zenityQuagsire 1zenityQuagsire 2zenityQuagsire 3

lombre, tyrogue, cubone, tyranitar, togepi, cyndaquil, mew, delcatty, slaking, hitmonlee, slugma, gligar, electrike, treecko, jumpluff, celebi, dratini, psyduck, miltank, sunkern, ledian, murkrow, jynx, jigglypuff, sentret, mudkip, marill, misdreavus, quagsire, delibird, lanturn, nosepass, wynaut, granbull, hoothoot, cleffa, bellossom, stantler, totodile, lapras, smoochum, ledyba, carvanha, nincada, vulpix, skiploom, houndour, magcargo, zangoose, clefable, lotad, forretress, pichu, chikorita, flaaffy, tangela, ursaring, corsola, qwilfish, clefairy, growlithe, igglybuff, phanpy, azumarill, teddiursa, loudred, quilava, politoed, jirachi, snorlax, sandshrew, ampharos, lileep, duskull, group auction, chinchou, snubbull, weepinbell, flareon, eevee, venonat, wobbuffet, heracross, volbeat, slowking, magikarp, natu, togetic, meowth, sunflora, aron, shellder, pelipper, abra, glalie, blissey, xatu, aipom, pupitar, bulbasaur, swalot, magby, roselia, octillery, hoppip, swablu

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