Tomy release dates courtesy of AAPF!

Oct 19, 2011 14:21

There's been a lot of Tomy merchandise news posted on AAPF in the past couple of days, so here's a recap of upcoming release dates:

* Monster Collection figures: Gothitelle, Reuniclus, Beartic, Braviary (all are the same as the movie set MC figures)

* Monster Collection Plus figures: Braviary, Volcarona, Kyurem

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volcarona, oshawott, landorus, thundurus, cobalion, archen, throh, terrakion, braviary, pikachu, reuniclus, emolga, tomy, rufflet, minccino, snivy, ducklett, cubchoo, beartic, tornadus, stunfisk, figures, kyurem, plush, gothitelle, virizion, sawk

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technicolorcage October 19 2011, 21:26:21 UTC
* Large-size plush: Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, * Monster Collection figures: Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion

I know someone who will be very excited about these~!

Also, YAY NO DEERS. My wallet can finally take a break. XDDD;


espie October 19 2011, 21:48:35 UTC
Why whoever could you mean??? C; Soooo excited for those plush, omg ;_; Also those three are kind of deer like - aren't you tempted to join me in utter poverty, surrounded by pretty, shiny Muskedeer merch? <3
(Oh as an aside, this post is very well timed as I JUST made a Pokedoll style Virizion model lol - I'll send you pics once my camera's charged ;D)


technicolorcage October 19 2011, 21:56:40 UTC
As soon as I saw them I thought "Oh man, espie is going to so excited!!! 8DDD" And nuuuuuu~, don't tempt me! ;A; although Cobalion is really awesome... XDDD;

(Ooooh, that sounds so cool, I can't wait to see it! :DDD I'm also working on my reply to you right now. ^^)


espie October 19 2011, 22:20:06 UTC
I have been clapping gleefully for like the last ten minutes aha XD ALSO. Omg. There is stationary out with them on ._. And it is sparkly. I have totally just ordered it off Ratuken lol (unfortunately it has the Djinn's on too, but I'm sure I can just ignore them/cover them up somehow X3)
But yes. You know you totally want to hop on the Muskedeer's bandwagon C; You're already planning to collect Keldeo after all, so you're practically one of us already hee hee ;D *is a terrible influence*


technicolorcage October 19 2011, 22:59:58 UTC
Yay, congrats! (lol poor djinns, so unloved by most XD)

Gaaah, you're right. D: I completely forgot about Keldeo. Poor thing doesn't have any merch yet so I tend to push him to the back of my mind. ^^;


espie October 19 2011, 23:18:31 UTC
lol, even the sparkliness of the stationary can't make me like the Djinns XD
Poor Keldeo has been terribly neglected though :< I rather suspected when Cob/Terra/Viri merch started appearing he'd be right there with them, but at least it gives you more time to save up as you know when he does start getting merch, he'll get a ton of it too C;


technicolorcage October 19 2011, 23:40:05 UTC
It'll probably happen like Shaymin. Nothing for the longest time... Then it's introduced in a movie... And BAM! Merch out the wazoo. *nodnod*


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