Sep 11, 2004 01:26
The other day, I was lying in bed, just kind of thinking about things. I got this horrid flash in my mind, it was a face, but not a human, was the most horrible thing possible, I had never before even imagined something like that, nothing physical normally frightens me, I faced seven dogs running at me snarling and I didn't flinch, I'm certain I could face far far worse than that, but this face...I was afraid, terrified, not to the point that I couldn't think strait, I personally don't think anyone gets that scared, I think it's just something they put on T.V., but I'm pretty sure I was at the very limit of fear, the most afraid someone can possibly be. I immediately rose to my knees and praid to god, called Jesus' name and denounced the evil. Of course that warm comforting feeling you get when you pray came over me and washed away my fear, but I didn't forget it, I can't forget it, I still see that face in my head, it won't leave, won't get out of there, it was so utterly horrible. No movie could ever capture the pure horror, no picture, what WAS that thing? I refuse to think it's some random image generated by my, that thing was not my doing at all. But now, I feel a calling,'s coming for me, and I don't think I can stop it, I don't think I have a chance. Is it in me? or will I die soon, I don't fear death, but I don't want to face that thing, I won't run, won't allow myself to, even if it's not physical, you can run mentally too ya know. Anyway I feel now more than ever I need to seek out evil and try to stop it, demons...that image and the testemony of my family has convinced me they are indeed real, the question is, how do you destroy them? Yes I have two different ideas on the matter, but who's to say if they'll work? Most of my family saw the demon that came for my great Uncle the night he died...well, writing about it doesn't seem to be helping this time, so forget it.
Dreams Never Die, Love Never Fades,