
Nov 26, 2008 08:01

Okay, well, according to LJ, its been 20 weeks since I updated. So, what's new? Well let's see....

Been working my new job for 5 months now. Overall it's certainly not going too bad, I have plenty of stories and I am getting some pretty decent experience toward my goals. I knew going in, some of the things I would have to put up with when working for an EMS company, especially one with a reputation for fucking around. All of those expectations have come true, and I have experienced every possible measure of bureaucracy, idiocy and insanity within the company. For example, imagine putting in for time off 5 months in advance and being approved. Now roll the clock forward to a week before your planned trip, always considerate, you call to check that everything is in order for your time off, only to be told that they have no record of you having the time off. You don't panic, you have the papers in hand, signed by the supervisor. Then you are told that, "Well, she doesn't work here anymore, so you should have gone thru me..." then you twitch and your head rolls off =p Anyway, I got that all sorted out, but thats just an example of the crap that goes on here on a daily... scratch that... hourly basis. Also, I had been very happy with my schedule, being that this is the first job I have ever had where I had weekends off every week. Well now that's gone. Basically they approached me and said they wanted to change my schedule. Basically, I didn't really have a choice in the matter, but I was able to get them to give me a dollar raise, which isn't too bad, though I would absolutely rather have forgone the dollar and stayed with my weekends. So much for working adult hours *sighs* Also, she promised me that the new schedule would contain some guaranteed weekly overtime, about which i was pretty excited. What did I get? Two hours *twirls my paw in the air* whoop-de-fuckin-doo!

Okay /job rant

As far as life goes, things are....pretty darn okay. On the plus side, I make more money than I have before, so I've been able to buy some stuff I've wanted. However, I still live with my parents, which, don't get me wrong, it's a great way to do it, but I just need to get away from it. I just don't think I can afford it with this job though, so I feel like I'm not really moving in any great direction. However, I am feeling more energized because I've been putting a lot more thought into my future schooling, so at least in that aspect I can say I am heading toward something. Previously, I had been set on going to Paramedic school after racking up some experience in my current job. However now I am sort of wavering between that and going to school for RN. It's a tough thing to decide, because RN offers better pay, great job security and portability etc. But its not 100% what I want badly to do. So I have to choose between the idea of doing a job I am really excited about, or a job that I know will treat me well in the long run. Now, both of these options rest solely on my ability to convince either a Medic or RN school to let me in, in light of my less than stellar school history. I know I wouldn't have a very good chance with just my GED, but I'm hoping that my high scores on that, my scores and class ranking in my EMT course and now my job experience and number/variety of calls, will allow them to look past it. I know I could really apply myself in either course and make it a reality, if I can convince them to give me a chance.

Oddly, I've been feeling pretty content lately, but I can't for the life of me account for why. It worries me that I currently feel good, but I am aware that there isn't that much substance holding it all up. This is why I'm desperate to get on my way to a real lifetime career before life has the chance to get in the way like it does to so many people.

I just got back from MFF! After all the plans, plane ticket issues and hotel fun (like that unexpected $250 deposit *gives a big middle finger to the Westin*) It was a blast! My primary reason for going was the fact that Crimson and Clover were going and we were sharing a room. If you don't know my history with them, just take my word, they are family to me... nuff said. So yes, the con was phenomenal! I got to hang out with a number of different groups of friends, met a few new people and just generally had an awesome time. Aside from the ridiculous amazing excitement of seeing Crimson and Clover for the first time in one and a half years, the highlight of my con came about two hours before my taxi back to the airport. I finally got to fursuit! Takatha let me use Ash, his super awesome skunk suit. He had this long pink silk oriental scarf type thing in his room, so we tied it on Ash's head and it looked super awesome! It really made an awesome contrast with the black and white of the suit. Anyway, he helped me suit up and we headed out. I was immediately hooked! I feel like i really took to it. The whole time leading up to it I was worried that I wouldn't be able to be animated enough to be a good fursuiter, but when I got out there, I didn't even have to think about it. We roamed the con, and I felt really good about it, because a whole bunch of people kept stopping us for photos, I guess its something about a 6'4" skunk and 6'8" coyote (height adjusted for the size of the suit heads :-p) and I think the pink bow helped XD When we realized that it was 4:30 and my taxi was at 5, we headed back up to his room. However, his key wouldn't work. We tried it a bunch of times in every possible orientation, no luck. So we went down to the desk to try for another key, knowing it probably wouldn't work seeing as neither of use were the actual names on the room, even though he had a key for it. Sure enough, they wouldn't help us out. We had to roam the hotel looking for Takatha's roommate. It was nice to suit more, but at this point it was getting kinda critical. We finally found Akita and ran up to the room, unsuited, of course i was pretty sweaty, but I didn't have a choice, I got dressed, gave him a hug and literally ran to the elevator, went down grabbed my stuff, gave hugs and goodbyes to Crimson, Clover and Raver, then jumped into the cab. The rest of the trip was uneventful, the flight went well and I arrived home and promptly passed out.

Anyhoo, I'm sitting here in an ambulance typing this, and it looks like we're about to have to get underway, so I've gotta leave off here. I hope everyone is well and has a great thanksgiving tomorrow!


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