Henley Style

Dec 18, 2012 06:01

For the third morning in a row, I woke up with vivid memories of whatever I had been dreaming. The past two mornings, it had been just a bit baffling, as the dreams were quite random, but this morning it was a somewhat dark Pratchett-esque fantasy story that took a nasty turn just before I awoke, with two characters tortured to death "off screen," as it were. When all you can read on the news as you come to grips with a morning are stories about Newtown and the Fiscal Cliff, it can be hard to get going.

So, off to Pinterest! I see a few things, some make me smile, and then I see a pin on one of my cousins' boards, of a hunky male model wearing a nattier version of my typical cool-weather slouching outfit -- thermal shirt over a flannel plaid, with muted trousers. Granted, the pinned model features a knit beanie, just so beard and high cheekbones you will never see on me, and the effect is entirely different, but still. The parallel world-ness of it continues when I discover, on the pin's caption, that those funny collars on all of the thermal shirts I got as hand-me-downs from my Aunt M years ago (and still wear) actually have a name. They are "Henley-style." Yup, as in "Henley-on-Thames" and their iconic crew shirts. Well, I guess they're iconic. They have a shirt named after them.

A GQ fashion spread, tangentially about White Collar declares: "Step away from that T-shirt and put down that polo. The henley, beloved by tough guys and style hounds alike, is the all-purpose shirt of the season." This was back in 2010. Oh, the horror! My look is outre!

Speaking of outre, just titling this "Henley Style" got that PSY song stuck in my head.
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