I'm alive! I'm actually alive! And I'm in San Jose. I'm sticking around here 'til around Fanime and then heading back to So Cal, but for the time being I think I'll enjoy it here *COUGHBLAZBLUECOUGH*.
Life in Games
I've been indulging a lot in Ragnarok lately, I feel slightly dirty for doing so. I've got a Sniper and Whitesmith in their 80's at this point and am wondering why I continue playing besides the fact that it's free. I really should be putting it off to the side soon so I can actually be a productive member of the cosplay world.
Sunnyvaly Golfland is 13 miles from here, which is nice. It's definitely like the Arcade Infiinity of this area, even has all the Bemani crap I love so dearly. As I coughed about earlier though, BlazBlue is my main reason for going there, it's a sit-down cab which makes it all the better.
Persona 4. Someone please tell me to finish it. PLEASE. I'm at the second to last dungeon and haven't touched it since I was in Arizona. I also suck at Dokupon Kingdom.
Life in Life
I'm debating whether I should get a gym membership while I'm up here. I want to get in good shape again, but the idea of paying an initiation fee and monthly dues is kinda turning me away from it. I'm tempted to take
binkxy 's advice and fill various objects with sand/rocks/etc and get my own home free weights. I doubt bulking up too much at the gym would be a good thing for fitted costumes anyways.
Life in Cosplay
Once again I'm faced with the decision of what costumes I'll keep and drop for specific cons.
Confirmed For Fanime
Masquerade Costume
Nate Nanjou (Persona 2)
Ladd Russo (Baccano!)
Poll Fanime Cosplay Confirmed for AX
Aliestor Crowley (D. Gray-Man)
The Warden (SuperJail!)
Poll Anime Expo Also Important: Can someone in the Fanime Masquerade group please invite me to the LJ community? I've got a few questions.
Other than that, fabric shopping will probably happen tomorrow so I can get to work on crap.
Life in...Other Stuff
Anyone in NorCal want to hang out since I'm actually up here? I swear I'm not THAT boring.
However on the other hand, the rest of this post would be pretty boring. So I'm out. GG.