This post marks the end of a major topic that I talk about a lot on my journal, games. I've come to realize that many people on my friends list really don't care too much for all of my gaming speak, since I do it nearly every single post. I apologize to those who I've bored with my mindless rants and posts of purely game-speak.
So, this journal will now be used for mainly cosplay related information, general life stuff and keeping up with friends.
For any of you who actually wish to read my long winded oppinions and ramblings on games, I'll be blogging over at Destructoid now. All of my entries will be visible here:
The Splendiforous Blog of Devil May Sly I'll also be working on making a LJ community in a few weeks, specifically for whichever of my friends want to chat about games and keep up with news. Whenever I make a post there, I'll mention it in my normal LJ posts.
Also, this journal will be getting a major cleanup within the next few days since my paid account is expiring. Expect a layout change and older post deletion.