Nov 02, 2011 23:31

[Action → 1127 Taylor Road]

[in the immortal words of one Linus Van Pelt, Halloween has come and gone. as such, Ray is more than a little bit saddened by this; it was his favorite holiday after all, the one night of the year where it's justifiable to run around dressed like an idiot and eat mountains of candy - things he would have been doing if ( Read more... )

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[action; park; itp i am a horrible person] riastrad_ridire November 3 2011, 03:37:35 UTC
[Just because you don't see someone doesn't mean they aren't there. You should know that by now. Geez.]

[In other news, there is a notably startled person in civilian clothes and silver earrings suddenly behind you, Ray. Kind of like he just materialized out of nowhere. But gosh, that'd be silly, wouldn't it?]

What the hell--?!


pkeccentric November 3 2011, 05:09:37 UTC

W-Waah! [...it's much less loud than it seems, really. but for what it's worth, he does jump a little.] What are you doing? Sneaking up on a person like that!

[he huffs, looking very displeased! the end Neutrona Wand is still smoking. shudder in fear, Lancer.]


riastrad_ridire November 3 2011, 05:10:46 UTC
What am I doing?! The hell're you doing, blowing shit up with that whatever-the-hell it i--Don't point that thing at me!


pkeccentric November 3 2011, 05:17:10 UTC
[that's some good shuddering, but it could be better. he gestures with the Wand uncomfortably close to Lander, waving it at the smoking hunk of metal for emphasis.]

Aw, it's just a dumpster. There's a million others out there; I doubt anyone will miss this one. [FROWN] But still, you shouldn't do that. It's dangerous to startle a professional.


riastrad_ridire November 3 2011, 05:24:10 UTC
It's dangerous to blow shit up, too!

And dammit, keep that away from me!

[Enhanced durability or not, Lancer was not exactly looking to get blown up. Or whatever that thing did.]

What the hell is that, anyway?


pkeccentric November 3 2011, 05:34:23 UTC
I know what I'm doing! Like I said, I'm a professional. [not like you'd know anything about being professional, but Ray doesn't know that. he's just wondering why this guy's overreacting like he's seen something completely and utterly shocking. YOU LIVE IN MAYFIELD, YOU SHOULD BE USED TO THIS.]

This - [- and finally he lowers the Wand, powering down the Pack with a press of a button.] - is something I've been missing for a very long time. My colleague and I designed them to help us with our job back home. We call them Proton Packs for their ability to positively charge protons and concentrate them into a stream, which you just saw. Neat, huh?


riastrad_ridire November 3 2011, 05:36:57 UTC
. . .

What the hell is a 'proton' and why do you want them in a pack?

[Hi there, Ray. Lancer's knowledge of science is literally stuck in the dark ages.]

[Clearly you need to technobabble at him.]


pkeccentric November 3 2011, 05:47:13 UTC
[you really shouldn't have done that.]

They aren't in the pack; the pack just helps charge them. Protons are subatomic, electrically charged particles that are in the nucleus of atoms; the pack itself is a cyclotron, which is sort of like a particle accelerator in that it charges the particles using a high frequency which, as I said, manifests itself as a stream. It's a little hard to properly control, though...

[he glances back at the dumpster, wincing sheepishly.]


riastrad_ridire November 3 2011, 06:28:17 UTC
. . . What.

No wait, never mind, I don't care. So what does this pack thing do other than make things explode?


pkeccentric November 3 2011, 06:42:19 UTC
[y u so meen, you're making him sadface. it's a shame no one else is good at talking technobabble with him other than Spengler; he thought he was going to make a new friend!]

Well. It's...for capturing ghosts. [...yeah, there's nothing he can say to make that not sound weird. have an apologetic smile and a shrug.] The stream holds them in place by neutralizing their own negatively charged protons.


riastrad_ridire November 3 2011, 06:45:25 UTC


...Catching ghosts. As in 'spirits which were once alive and now are very decidedly dead'. You're not serious.

[Because he's now torn between 'ha ha you wish' and 'OH FUCK'.]


pkeccentric November 3 2011, 06:54:55 UTC
[does he look like he's kidding? look at this face and tell him he's kidding again.]

I wouldn't joke about this, especially since it's my livelihood.

There was an alien attack just day ago and you're saying that catching ghosts isn't possible? That's kind of strange, man, and that must mean something if it's coming from me!


riastrad_ridire November 3 2011, 06:56:49 UTC
Look, I'll believe a lot of things. I'll believe this place goes crazy every month and tried to drive me crazy over Samhain. I'll believe in kelpies, banshees, goddamned leprechauns, and even ghosts. Definitely ghosts.

But I'm not going to believe some human is actually insane enough to try and catch them.


pkeccentric November 3 2011, 07:10:26 UTC
[he's nodding with each creature Lancer names.] So do I. And I believe in demons, sorcerers and gods - especially gods. I also believe in mermaids and Slors even though I've never seen a Sloar let alone know what one looks like, but an interdimensional dog from a hell dimension who was possessing a friend of mine mentioned them and I doubt he has any reason to lie.

[...wow, way to get off topic. awkward coughing.]

...The point is I know those things are real because my friends and I faced 'em down with these, and the only reason we've been so successful is because the technology even exists. Anything is possible with science.


riastrad_ridire November 3 2011, 13:29:05 UTC
Okay, right, you believe all that. Good, I follow you on that much. Don't know a damn thing about science, but whatever.

Let's say for a second you met a spirit screwing around Mayfield. What then?


pkeccentric November 3 2011, 21:36:32 UTC
Hypothetically? [don't get his hopes up, man. he's faced too much crushing disappointment already.] Well, that depends on your definition of screwing. We'd only take action if it was becoming a bother to others or engaging in dangerous activity. But...if it was just trying to get by like the rest of us...

[he shrugs.]

I'm pretty sure we'd make an exception. No reason to restrain it if it's peacefully coexisting with the living.


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