Jun 11, 2005 02:50
Wow... I'm not sure what's going on, but I have been wicked emotional lately. (*cough*expecting a comment from Sara on my choice of words ;) )
I mean, I have always been the type of girl that NEVER cries at movies. I saw Titanic seven times just in the theater, and I didn't cry. I *did* cry at Hope Floats, but it was when the little girl is bawling and running after her father's car as he is leaving her, and anyone who DOESN'T cry at that just isn't human.
And, I did cry at The Notebook. But, Pearl Harbor, A Walk to Remember, The Patriot, any other movie like that you can think of, didn't even cause me to shed a tear. I guess I was just the girl that only cried when she didn't get her way. (I KNOW that's terrible! But at least I admit it!!!)
Anyway, back to my point. I have watched several movies and television shows over the past week. Here is a list of movies/shows that made me cry:
101 Dalmatians (animated) (this was of happiness, I was excited the dogs could communicate from far away to find the stolen puppies)
That 70's Show (this was also of happiness, Red told Eric that he was proud of him)
Look Who's Talking (this was of happiness as well, Molly fell in love with James)
Anne of Green Gables 1 (no telling why I cried in this one)
Anne of Green Gables 3 (this one, I really let loose... I was sobbing loudly because the end is reminiscent of the very beginning of the very first movie, which you only know if you've seen all of them. oh yeah, and I cried when Anne found Gilbert. Oh, and at the very end when they're walking off to Green Gables.)
Father of the Bride II (the new one, after the babies are born, and when Annie gave George the baby basketball)
And, on a different end, I nearly got sick while watching CSI the other day, when bunches of people were at a dance club and Elizabeth Berkley (yes, Jessie Spano) stepped on some guy who was on the floor (she didn't see him because there were suds all through the club) and her stiletto heel went through his neck, complete with a loud CRUNCH. And I can't get that image out of my head. (Well, maybe she did see him and meant to do it, I'm not sure, I couldn't watch it after that)
So yeah. I'm emotional, don't know why. And, I think there were probably more movies/shows that I cried at, I just can't think of any more.
I'm cross posting this on Freedies.