Am I John Gault?

Feb 27, 2009 20:14

What happens when Atlas Shrugs?

I for one shrug back, but I don't have the world on my shoulders... maybe a county or two, but not the whole world. I have yet to read Atlas Shrugs, I suppose I should, maybe I'll grab a copy tomorrow. Atlas Shrugged is a big topic of conversation now, as is Animal Farm and 1984, to many people the predictions in these books appear to be coming true.

That is why I chose to stand tall and say "Not in MY America"

And I wasn't alone, across the country people gathered in the spirit of hope and with not a little fear for our future in what is known as a "Tea Party" in response to the call from CNBC to stand up to the fiscal madness that is destroying our country. Several hundred like minded citizens gathered at the capitol steps in Denver to protest the mindless spending and irresponsible actions of the Washington elite.

Yes, this was a conservative protest, and conservative protests are not like left wing protests we've seen in the recent past. First of all there were a lot fewer people, conservatives don't skip class or take off from work for a simple gathering. Second of all the signs were pretty wordy, many of them took a long time to read. Conservatives are not jingoistic and don't really appreciate the bumper-sticker/soundbite mentality that one sees in other protests. I didn't carry a sign. I made one, but it was just a huge copy of the Constitution. Unlike many other protests the people there know what the Constitution says and what the Constitution means so I decided it would be frivolous... and too damn heavy to carry.

Besides, I carry a copy of the Constitution with me at all times.

The protest was well attended and well behaved. Conservatives are not the screaming yelling types, and the few rabble rousers that were there probably felt like Baptist Preachers who just discovered their congregation was replaced with Lutherans. However a local celebrity got the crowd going by reading some of the pork in the most recent suicide bill the congress is working on. Yes, our president said that there'd be no 'earmarks' in any bill he'd sign, but he's lied before, he's lying now, he'll lie again.

$1.5 million for a frizbee golf course?

$1.5 million to study seals at a scandal-ridden Alaska sea life center?

Half a million dollars for the Mexican terrorist group National Council of La Raza?

$200,000 for a tattoo removal program?

$1.7 million for a honey bee laboratory?

$1.5 million for work on grapes and grape products & wine?

Oh yeah - that $13 a week tax cut? It's not a tax cut, it's $13 dollars that they're not taking out of your paycheck every week. The tax rates haven't changed, they're just not taking as much out which means if you don't get a tax refund, or if it's low you're going to end up oweing $676 next April.

No - it's got to stop. No country has raised itself out of a financial crisis by spending money it doesn't have.


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