Feb 14, 2007 17:07
CUPS: chronic ulcerative paradental stomatitis, is a painful condition in dogs that is also known as ulcerative stomatitis, idiopathic stomatitis, and lymphocytic-plasmacytic stomatitis. It's a bacteria that gets under your dog or cat's gums and causes lesions. In dogs it seems to strike Maltese most, and doesn't have a favorite cat to attack. Affected dogs exhibit various clinical signs including halitosis (sometimes severe), lack of appetite or anorexia, and oral pain (pawing at mouth, chattering jaw movements). Other signs may include abnormal chewing movements, eating difficulties, difficult prehension, and oral hemorrhage. Affected dogs often will not chew on their toys and will refuse the hard portions of their diets.
My friends dog has that, the poor dachshund has lost 23 teeth to CUPS, there is a treatment out but it's not the be-all end all that dogs and cats need.