(no subject)

Jun 30, 2005 23:53

I'll post more results and an actual meaning later. In the meantime.

Of your livejournal friends...

-Who do you think is the prettiest? Melissa (sorry everybody!)
-Who do you think is the hottest? Probably Luis, because he gets swarmed with fangirls at AC.
-Who would you most want to look like? Just me!
-Who has been your real/livejournal friend longest? My oldest friend I believe is user moonbunni, aka Mysti.
-Who leaves the most/best comments? Those who put effort.
-Who has the best entries? I do.
-Who do you wish would stop updating? Stop updating?
-Who do you like most overall? No problem here.

Of music...
-How often do you change your favorite genre of music? Whatever sounds good.
-Who are your top 3 bands/groups/artists? Currently, it's System of a Down, Molotov, and W.
-How many concerts have you been to? None yet.
-How many artists have you seen in concert? Jesus christ, you just asked. XD
-Whats the most amount of money you've spent on a concert ticket? 0.
-What is your favorite concert? --
-What is your favorite song of all time? I'll never choose one.
-Of right now? 'Dance and Dense Denso' by Molotov.
-What band do you wish would stop making records? I don't mind who makes albums, I'll buy what I buy.

Of the interntet....
-What are your most frequented websites? AnimeChains.net, IGN.com, various.
-What is your screen name? A-kun (former screen names include 'pkai,' 'amelia-kun', 'Kobayashi,' 'Kunzite,' and 'koibiko.')
-Where did you come up with your screen name? I love the Amelia character from Slayers, and I'm a guy. so add 'em both.
- How much time do you spend online every day? It varies, really. I'm not online a whole lot.
- Illegally download? Download one?
-What's your biggest pet peeve with instant messaging conversations? Typos. Read a dictionary. Plus, I hate it when people misuse 'Your/You're' and 'Their/They're/There' That's, what, like ELEMENTARY SCHOOL?

Of school...
-What highschool do/did you attend? Cleburne High School, Cleburne TX
-Do/did you like it? It was alright. Some great classes. Great band program.
-What is/was your favorite class? I don't really remember.
-Worst teacher? Same.
-Best thing about your school? The band :D
-The majority of the kids at your school were: We were actually varied. We saw all walks of life.

A - Accent: I don't think I have one.
B - Breast size: This doesn't quite apply to me.
C - Chore you hate: Sorting socks. I don't like it. I always wear mismatched socks.
D - Dad's name: Val
E - Essential make-up: See 'b.'
F - Favourite perfume/ cologne: I don't wear it regularly.
G - Gold or Silver: Gold! (Well, I chose Pok
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