Heat too hot!

Jul 23, 2011 17:46

Ugh, it's so damn hot!  I definitely like my colder climes better than this.  Everyday this week has been in the 90s, often pushing over 100 when the heat index is considered.  It's more than my small room AC can handle, though I shudder to think how miserable I'd be without it.   Occasionally I see what the weather is in Wisconsin right now, and I get jealous.  It really kinda sucks being stuck on the bike at times like these.  Thankfully, I'm in the prime of my life, and I'm sure to drink plenty of water as well.  A slurpee from 7-Eleven occasionally doesn't hurt either!
    So last week I went back to Wisconsin for my little brother's wedding.  That was quite the whirlwind trip, and it really took a lot out of me.  It started with me leaving work an hour early.  The city busses have a route that goes out to the airport, though it required me to make a transfer downtown.  Unfortunately, at best I only had 7 minutes to make the transfer, and the bus going downtown was running late.  It doesn't help that I mistook my stop, and had to get off at the next one.  Fortunately, some quick thinking and some running helped me make the transfer in time with seconds to spare.  I don't know what would have happened had I missed my bus.  I was also traveling extremely light, with just my backpack and pretty much the bare essentials, plus my DS.  The KC international airport is one of the strangest airports I've ever seen.  It's in the shape of three giant Cs, but inside the terminal is pretty small considering.  There's just a see-through wall separating the boarding area and the rest of the airport.  Well I made it there with plenty of time to spare, so I spent some quality time with my pokemon.  I only just this week beat Black, having neglected it for the longest of time.   
    The flight itself was decent, if short.  I really, really like to fly though.  And it was really interesting to see Milwaukee, the city I lived in for two years of my life from above, though it was kind of sad to be in town for such a short time.  I at the airport, I got a rental car, a first for me, and then stopped off at Classic Slice before heading to Madison.  Originally, I was just going to drive all the way back to Platteville and stay with my parents.  However, I was under the impression that my brother and one of his friends were also staying over.  We only have one small bathroom, and it looked like everyone would have to use it at once.  So I opted to stay overnight at a hotel in Madison.  I also had some paychecks to deposit in my starving bank account.  As it turns out, my brother and his friend didn't stay at my parents, so it was kind of for nothing.  Plus, I got a horrible night's sleep, maybe getting an hour.  Saturday was going to be rough.
    At around 5 in the morning, when it became apparent that i wasn't going to get back to sleep, I decided to start getting ready.  Shower, shaved, then I started to play Professor Layton to kill some time (more on that later). After helping myself to complementary waffle (was okay, but I can make better), and stopping at my bank's ATM to deposit, I headed back to Platteville.  I was a groommen, so I had to be there by 9ish to be in pictures.  That was boring, so I should have found somewhere to take a nap or something.  Fortunately, sleep deprived me is very similar to drunk me, so I was at least somewhat fun and talkative.  The ceremony itself was nice, but way too religious for my taste, and I detected both anti-gay marriage and even a little anti-evolution rhetoric in the pastor's lecturer sermon thing.  Furthermore, it was held in the church my parents literally had to drag me to when I was younger.  I have some very conflicted views of religion even then, though I wasn't smart enough nor eloquent enough to state my objections and seriously contemplate it.  I did get confirmed, but I was pretty much bribed to do so.  But I'm getting of topic.  The point is, the religious stuff made me feel very uncomfortable, but the day wasn't about me.  So I kept my mouth shut on that subject and politics to avoid any unpleasant conversations.
    The reception was dry and mostly unimpressive.  Didn't give a speech or anything, but non of the other siblings on either side did either.  I did dance once under obligation, and though I think I'm terrible, everyone kept encouraging me to do it again.  But the DJ didn't play anything to my taste, and my lack of sleep was catching up to me.  Around 4pm, I said my congratulations and headed off to rest.  Though before then, I made a quick top at my storage unit to survy the majority of my earthly possessions.  The fact that they can all fit in a small space kind of makes me happy, as does the fact that I don't care about half of them.  Of course, the half I do care about, I care about a lot.  So I get to my parents house to find the door lock, which is an abnormality.  I panicked a little, but after some phone calls, I finally found a way in, and was reunited with Kitty, the cat who lived with me a year and 1/2 in Milwaukee!  For being so tired, however, I stayed up to till 11.  IN part because I was waiting for my parents to get back, but also if I went to bed earlier, I would have woken up in the middle of the night and getting back to sleep would have been a pain.  Going back on Sunday was mostly uneventful as well, though I had some trouble filling up the rental car before I returned it.  I stopped once in Madison to fill it, and then again right before the airport.  However, the second time it didn't want ot fill all the way, so whatever.  I showed the rental car agent my receipt showing that I did fill it despite the fuel gauge not showing it.  IN the end, it came to $160, which I guess isn't too bad.  The car was pretty fuel efficient, and I was able to get it to 42 mpg, which I was pretty happy about.
    Everything else has been going pretty well.  I beat Bioshock, an excellent game.  I'm about to play the sequel, but I also kind of want to start Catherine when that comes out on Tuesday.  I played the demo, and the game impressed me.  It helps that the Persona team worked on it, but it's not an RPG.  I also sat down and beat Pokemon Black.  The end game sequence was interesting, focusing more on the story than any Pokemon game since.  But for the most part, the four were kind of pushovers.  It does help that I was training an Axew (or it's final form thereof) up to level 57, so I could pretty much slaughter everything with it.  Haven't done any of the postgame material yet though.  That's because I started Professor Layton, and omg is that game awesome.  I LOVE the asthetic.  Very Studio Ghibli in its non-descript European feeling.  The puzzles are kind of hard too, and I'm only in the prolouge.  I'm playing the unwound future, because I heard it was the best, but maybe I should go back and start from the beginning.  If they better release that Phoenix Wright crossover game here, then I will buy a 3DS just for that even without an upgraded model.  Maybe if I buy all the other games new...
    Well, this is going long, so I'll wrap things up.  Got the latest book in the Song of Fire and Ice serious when I was at my parents last weekend.  I powered though the majority of thats series in 08, so I've forgotten a lot of what was going on, so it's hard to keep everyone straight.  This week, I made plans to visit St. Louis in a couple weekends.  Taking Amtrak down, and staying over night, because that's all I can afford.  Mainly just plan to see and climb the Arc, though.  And ride the train, cause I love that.  My BBQ quest will come to a close next week, because that's the last weekend I'll be in KC!  Ate at another FANTASTIC place today.  I'll probably write a blog review of it next weekend afterwards.  So now the three of you reading this have something to look forward too!

travelogue, reading rainbow, year of the third, big ball of awesome, a chilling look at things to come, video games, kitty

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