What have I been up to lately? Not much, and I do mean that quite literally. The last few days have involved me waking up just past noon, and then involve some combination of watching TV, playing a video games (mainly Persona 3), cooking (and then cleaning up after my cooking), or riding my bike. Last week was such a breath fresh air, cause I went to Eau Claire. I did pretty much the same stuff in Eau Claire as I do here, but in Eau Claire, I at least had the pleasure doing such in the company of friends, which made it a very fun time. Lately, I've become increasingly agitated at my perpetual state of sloth. I guess you could say I'm bored, and I need a challenge or something.
Part of me thinks that it's because I'm not accomplishing anything, but that's not entirely true. It seems like I have a torrent of paperwork I need to fill out. Most of it is for my student loan, and it's surprising about how much stuff keeps cropping up for me to fill out. I don't remember doing anything of the such when I went to college the first time. Every time I think I'm done, I find out something new needs to be done. What compounds things my problems is that every time something new comes up, they send a letter to my old address. The post office then needs to forward it to my new address, and I end up getting it a week later than I should have. Like on last saturday, I got a letter dated on July Thirtieth. A lot of these forms they send me don't have a place for me to correct the address on the form, so I just go online to fill them out, so I can put in my current address. I guess maybe I should have used my parents address, but then I'd be experiencing the problem of them going to my parents house, and I'd have to go back there every week to fill out something new. I'm just hoping it works out so that I get my loans before the end of the month, cause I them for next month's rent.
A couple entries back, I mentioned that I had been having sleeping problems at my new place. Well, I think I've figured out part of the problem, and I rearranged my room to correct for it. As funny as it might sound, I think the problem had to do with the placement of my bed between my window and my door. Now I my problem is that since that I don't have a reason to be up at a particular time, I generally will just sleep and sleep and sleep. When my alarm goes off, I'm usually able to either ignore it if it's music, or turn it off from my bed without waking up. Actually, Saturday I heard it going off, and it was pissing me off cause nothing I was doing was turning it off. Then I realized that I was dreaming, and that I would actually have to wake up in order to turn it off. The point is that I'm just terrible about waking myself up in the morning. It sucks, cause my willpower to do anything is at an all time low after I wake up, so I'm at my most vulnerable to ruin my day. I guess I just feel more productive if I wake up earlier, regardless of whether or not I actually am. And it will suck when I actually do have to wake up before noon, cause I'll feel all tired out for the rest of the day. Earlier today I moved my alarm clock away from the bed. It kind of worked, cause I woke up today an hour before noon. I'll probably set it for an hour earlier, and keep doing that gradually till I get myself back on a proper sleep schedule.
Part of my originally reasoning for moving down here earlier in the summer instead of sometime in August was to give me some time to look for a new job, so it is probable that part of my agitation is a result of my idleness on the job front. I just don't really feel a motivated to get a job as I should. Financially, once I get my student loans, I won't really need a job because it's not like I could live off what I made at this theoretical job without relying on the loans. What's more, I'm not exactly sure how much time I'll have once school starts. I know grad school is going to be intense, so I'm not exactly sure of my ability to handle even a part time job. I want to see how it goes after the semester starts to see if I can handle more. Of course, this semester, I'm pretty much taking "beginner" grad student classes, so it might not be an accurate expectation of things to come. That's not to say that I'm not looking. I am keeping an eye out for opportunities, and I have some websites that I check practically everyday.
Well, to end things on a more positive note, I've completely missed an important milestone for me. I'm over half way done with my commitment to write a new update ever week for a year! I've had some close calls, but I haven't missed a week. I guess it shows that when I put my mind to it, I can really accomplish something. For the most part, I enjoy it, though it can be a struggle to come up with new ideas week after week. I'm kind of curious if I'll be able to keep it up while in grad school. I've full intentions of keeping this going until the end of the year, though next year I might introduce a few changes. Like, instead of every week, I'll switch to a bi-weekly schedule, and shift from 500 words to 1000 words. Though since most of these come in at a 1000 words already, that will mean that I'll probably be updating less. Funny how that works out...