Okay, I don't really have anything for this week, but I really want to get something up before my self imposed deadline. But I've kind of been busy with moving related stuff, I just haven't had the time to write. But I'm working on another epic for next week, so I figure I'll just post the first 500 words of that. However, I would recommend that you don't read it. Why? Well, it's still in its rough draft phase. Also, I'm just going to be post the same stuff again in a couple days anyway, only it should make a bit more sense then, cause it will be complete. In theory... So the only reason I'm posting this now is to statisfy my own self-imposed abritraury goal.
Three years and over a month ago, I graduated college. I had no idea what course my life would take from that point on. I didn't really have a plan for after school. Part of the reason I started this chronicle of my life was to document these formulate years. This journal is only three years and about five months old. At the time, I had no idea what was going to happen after I graduated. But I did know that at some point, I'd leave this town of Eau Claire. And now, I'm leaving the place I've lived for about 8 years.
Of course, those first few years I was hardly a resident. I was a campus dweller, venturing off campus only to shop or get my licenses renewed. It wasn't until I went off the campus meal plan that I started regularly venturing off campus for groceries. Eau Claire was a nice town to move too. It was 6x bigger than the previous place I lived, and I was actually livening inside of the city limits as opposed to three miles outside thereof. It was big enough to have practically everything I could need. And yet, it wasn't too big that it overwhelmed me. And as I went to school here, Eau Claire gradually transitioned from the place where I went to school to the place where I live.
It was totally natural to me that this is where I'd stay after graduating. I remember my plan at the time went along the lines of that I'd take a year or so off, and then I'd apply to graduated school. Well, one year turned into two years, and nothing happened. Around the summer or fall of 07, I decided to make a concerted effort to apply to grad school, only to have it kind of all fall apart about a month before the deadlines. I now realize why things went so wrong. My plan for graduated school was basically to go, and see what happened. If I had been accepted then and gone, I don't know what I would have done when I graduated. It was the beginning of what turned out to be a pretty crappy year for me. I kind of had to figure out what I was going to do now. I tried several different courses, but none of them seemed to work out.
After my failure with grad school, I resolved to get a "real" job. I applied to all sorts of places around town, but didn't even get one interview. I even started at a temp agency, but that didn't work out for me either. Only when I resolved to expand my job search outside of the area did I begin to make progress. Once I expanded my job search, the opportunities became seemingly endless for me, and not in a good way. I had to find a way to limit them somehow. So I decided to do some career research to figure out what I could do with my degree. I meet with a career counselor at the university about this, and she advised me to volunteer at the place where I was interested in getting a job. Well, as it so happens, I was kind of interested in working at museums, so when I saw an opportunity to volunteer at the Chippewa Valley Museum, I jumped at it. Of course, that led me to inquire what it would take to make that a full time job. That led to applying again for graduate school, which led to acceptance, and now the present, where I leave Eau Claire for said graduate school.