Jan 20, 2006 19:26
well, if anyone wanders where i am for the next 4 months, i will be wrapped up with a pharmacology, fundamentals of nursing, health assesment, A&P, MATH 116, and 2 orientation books. Gah. Why didn't i do this 2 years ago right when i graduated? Man I suck.
so my life is now nursing school and work. I'm so freakin stressed.
All i have done for the past two weeks is study and take tests.
I'm gonna be busy until may. then it picks right back up again at the end of may. :(
only 11 more months till graduation. then i get to do it all over again for 2 more semesters. whoop whoop.
Well procrastination is over. back to the books.
hope everyone is still around......yea.