Nov 03, 2004 22:29
Please. Shut up.
Do you realize what you're doing? You're drama-queening. And frankly, I'm tired of it. Things don't go your way, you want to whine and moan and complain and make some big public statement about how noble you are, and you're just too good to be here with all this rubbish that is so beneath you.
Well, this rubbish is telling you not to let the door hit you on the way out.
See, the way that I see it, there are two possible ways this could go. Either you do end up moving out of the country, or you don't. Now, more than likely, 90+% of you are not going to leave. You'll talk big, you'll bluster, maybe you'll even spend a couple hours doing some "research" into what you might need to do to get out. Then you'll get tired of it, and it'll get shelved for another four years. Just like 2000.
Or, maybe you actually will go to all the trouble to move out of the country. In which case, good for you. You actually followed through on your convictions, and I'd respect you for that.
Except, why the heck did you have to make a big show out of it? You don't *need* to tell everyone why you're leaving. You just want to show off how high and mighty you are. Just moving isn't good enough for you. Guess what? Actions speak louder than words, and your pompousness is overshadowing your "noble" (and please notice the quotes) deed.
Let's relate this situation to a community you're a part of. Say something happens that you don't agree with. Maybe someone is selected as a mod that you don't like, or even positively loathe. Are you gonna make a big dramatic exit, telling everyone exactly why you're leaving, to make some sort of a point? Boom. Disabled, and for good reason. No one likes a drama queen.
So if the situation truly troubles you enough to want to leave, what do you do? You just leave. Maybe, if you want to, write a note to the person in charge or whomever, being polite and letting them know that while you respect the community and their decisions, you simply don't feel that it's the right place for you anymore, because of this. I'm sure they'll take that to heart a heckuva lot more than a flashy departure. And that leaves you a lot more room to be welcome back, if things change.
But more likely, there's the better option. You stick around, and you try and work with the new mod. You get to know him a little better, and see what he's made of. There was probably some reason that he was put into that position, maybe he really does want what's best for the community. So you work with him, within the confines of the area, and you work to make the community a better place for everyone. And you'll probably still disagree, and maybe even after some time you might still hate his guts. But like it or not, he is where he is for a reason. If he well and truly fails to live up to his responsibilities, then there is due process to have him removed from those responsibilities. Or, alternatively, you could still quietly slip out the back door and move on to better pastures.
But, please, quit with the theatrics. You're really not impressing anyone.