Jun 16, 2008 14:39
I had a great weekend! A nice meal out with Jason C. at a little Mexican place not far from where he lives and then he turned me on to the Brother Cadfael Mysteries which I really have been enjoying. On Saturday night I had Jason C. and my new friends Misty and Jason S. over for coffee and a movie night. We watched Gosford Park which is one of my favorite Altman films. (My other two favorites are Nashville and Three Women, if you haven't seen them and you like Altman go rent them now!)On our way to coffee we stopped off at Cal Anderson Park where the annual Bat-n-Rouge charity event was happening. It is an annual softball event where they have the Dykes play against the Drag Queens. It's very entertaining. A little low brow compared to the rest of our evening but entertaining none the less.
Sunday was a nice day up until about 6p.m. I had some friends over for game planning which was lovely and we all got to geek out for a couple of hours, which I always enjoy. After everyone left I decided it was time to do the phone call to dad on fathers day. We had a decent, short conversation and then he rather unexpectedly pawned the phone call off to my sister Andrea. (Andrea and I are very close and we are the closest in age of all my siblings.) We chatted for a few moments and I knew something was wrong because she wasn't her usual self. So she proceeded to inform me that last Thursday she was diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis). Definately not what I was expecting to hear, and unfortunately topped off my weekend with very sad news. She's going to see her physician again soon to find out states and type. It's an ugly disease though and for a woman who is very active and a new Grandma she's not in the best of shape right now. I'm thinking a trip to Spokane is in my near future or perhaps I'll attempt to get her to come here. We shall see.