The Inigo Montoya word of the week: 'Incredible'

Oct 18, 2010 23:12

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This week's post is for all the independent publishers and bloggers out there who don't have an in-house grammarian to advise them, but would like some inspiration to think more carefully about the words they use in their posts.
So I'm kicking off this feature in honor of the character from William Goldman's The Princess Bride who utters this famous line in the Rob Reiner film version.

For those of you not clicking the video link, here's the quote: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

Too often writers type superlatives without care for the subleties that the individual words they select offer. This week's Inigo Montoya word of the week is "incredible."

Folks typically use this adjective to suggest a positive quality, but it actually means "not credible," that is, something not worthy of belief, confidence or trust. As a journalist, pretty much the last word you want someone to use in describing your work is "incredible." :^)

It come from:

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