Insomnia's a bitch...

Apr 06, 2005 03:16

Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn. I can't sleep for the life of me. It's about 3:15am, and I have to get up at 6 to go fill out paperwork at my new job. Sonofabitch. I fell asleep at 12:30, too! Only, I woke up about half an hour later, and when I say "woke up", I mean WIDE FREAKIN' AWAKE. So I've spent the last three hours tossing and turning, contemplating jumping off a bridge, scratching incomprehensible words into my diary (I must be the only straight male with a testosterone level above 1000c/dl of blood who calls it a "diary"), and pouring gallons of Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) and anti-itch powder on my friggin' hand. Guess what? My hand still itches, I feel like I've accomplished NOTHING, and oh yeah, and I STILL CAN'T SLEEP. You know what? Fuck it, maybe I'll just stay up and dance around my room in my underwear until I have to leave. I can pretend I'm rehearsing for the stage version of Apocalypse Now. Only I'm not Martin Sheen, and I'm not high on drugs (just life, thumbs up! *cough sarcasm*). I feel like I'm losing my mind, and by reviewing this little entry I wrote, ......yep, I've definately lost my mind. I mean, who in their sanity writes out the word "damn" 13 times? I feel like I'm at my wits ends, and I should just go into the kitchen, grap a pan, and hit myself over the head repeatedly until I pass out. That or run over to Walgreens and see if they have any chloroform. Man, I'm gonna be TIRED tomorrow. Oh well, ce la vie.
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